Saturday, May 21, 2011

Who Plays Kat In Victorious

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  • pilotError
    Mar 29, 07:47 PM
    the system calls are a funny thing, you can also look at the exec calls.

    $ man 3 exec

    try using the full path to curl '/usr/bin/curl ... '

    If I remember correctly, when system executes the shell, you won't get the path or environment from the current process, so it doesn't know where to find the curl command unless it was built in.

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  • Learjet035
    Mar 11, 12:52 PM
    There is probably an easy way to do this but I can't seem to figure it out. I have Toast 6 installed on my non admin user. Do I have to re-install it on my admin user to use it there or can I somehow access it? I have music on my admin that I want to burn using Toast but didn't want to install again if I don't have to. Thanks!

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  • chrismacguy
    Oct 18, 08:05 AM
    Personally Id go to 7.6 as its basically Mac OS 8.0 without the stuff that made 8.0 slow - on 68K Machines either 7.6 or 7.1 are going to be the best systems (7.5.5 is actually pretty horrid, 7.6 is much better).

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  • wrldwzrd89
    Dec 31, 08:27 AM
    Ambrosia Software ( has some of the greatest games and utility programs I've ever used for the Mac. They're one of those shareware developers that has been around since the System 7 days at least.

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  • iApples
    Apr 12, 10:12 AM
    I just ordered the Rebel and I should receive it in a few days. I owned a few for my 3GS. It was a great case, so I have high expectation for it.

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  • BBrandDesign
    Feb 28, 11:00 PM
    Most packages for consumer products are designed for one of three purposes:
    1) To improve the packaging of an existing product;
    2) To add a new product to an existing product line; or
    3) To contain an entirely new product.
    I want to know what type of packages you redesign?

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 4, 09:36 PM
    Hi folks...

    [flying blind]

    Could you post the photo so we can see what you're talking about?

    [/flying blind]

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  • MacHamster68
    Mar 2, 09:08 PM
    i was curious now and looked up google and look what i found ..that was the pippin
    and there exists even a museum for it

    ok i was wrong with os 8 but .... if i read that info of the museums site right it really was a macintosh in the wrong market and it could be used to access the world wide web , and surprise it could be connected to a television like the mini today , had this been marketed right as a mini macintosh with a harddrive and more ram it could have been the grandfather of the mini , so it was a product in the wrong market no wonder it didn't sell

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  • MacBytes
    Dec 30, 08:03 PM
    Category: 3rd Party Software
    Link: Who\'s Your Favorite Mac Application Developer? (
    Posted on (

    Approved by Mudbug

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  • MacinDan
    Mar 12, 03:28 AM
    I too have been using Mactubes, and it works better than the in-browser flash player, but I can't seem to get quicktime to work.

    "Can not open video. Please open URL with browser."

    That's the error that I get when I switch to Quicktime. Any ideas?

    You need to upgrade to version 3.0.4. Occasionally Youtube changes something in their urls, I think, and the program's author has to update (which he/she does promptly).

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  • CubusX
    Aug 3, 10:30 AM
    This does look like iOS4 is turning into Apple's Vista. I've begun noticing odd quirks with my iPhone 4. Frequently, the screen refuses to shift into landscape or portrait mode when I turn it. The only thing that seems to fix the problem is a re-boot of the phone. Reception is still wonky. In the exact same location it will shift from 5 bars of 3G to 1 bar of EDGE, then 1 bar of 3G and then to 3 bars of EDGE. I've had several bizarre syncing problems when either iTunes or iPhoto reported simply, "An error has occurred."

    When it works, it's great. But it certainly has been more finicky than my old 3G, which was rock-solid.

    I have noticed this as well, a reboot usually helps. It is very annoying though.

    Other things I have noticed:

    1) The screen tends to take time to come one (once in a while) when the power button is pressed (when in sleep mode).
    2) The color on the Calendar's is incorrectly sync'ed from my MacBook Pro.

    As of right that is all I have noticed, it is a simple fix through the software. Hopefully it comes along quick.

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  • Blue Sun
    Feb 17, 02:56 AM
    NIN - And all that could've been
    Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere

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  • sk3pt1c
    Dec 17, 05:17 AM
    i wouldn't post this here if he were using windows :)

    but thanks, i'll try to add Automator into my thinking process :)

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  • spicyapple
    Oct 20, 09:59 PM

    One word: anachronistic

    a video version of generations coming soon. :)

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  • applekid
    Apr 2, 10:31 PM
    The version but what about the Black color - is that permanent?

    Okay, so the black may not be permanent... :o

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  • Hellhammer
    May 5, 08:26 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5)

    How do you make OSX point the home folder elsewhere?

    Very simple.

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  • Jasonbot
    Apr 16, 01:14 PM
    You could take all the things people hate about gamertags, and then be really ironic and thus the coolest mofo on XBL :p

    So... random Xs, random numbers, lots of l33t, the usage of a famous character's name as though it were your own... *and off the gamertag machine goes...*


    Classic, just classic!

    I'd prefer just Se><1_m4573R_cH3F though, very funny!

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  • rozwell
    Aug 25, 03:52 PM
    <embed src="mysongname.mp3" autostart="true" hidden="true" loop="true"/>

    that might be it... browsers are lame like that and that slash could be it.

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  • tYNS
    Nov 9, 08:30 PM
    Oooh, I think I remember that vaguely...But four channels was the best. You had to use up two channels at a time to actually get the sound out of both speakers. But some of the music was *amazing*... Ahhh, good old 8-bit Ensoniq guts. :)

    i still listen to old school mods.. i love this music. there are so many wonderful artists out there that people have no clue exist.


    May 3, 10:23 AM
    Odd, I just downloaded iTunes a couple of days ago. You're definitely downloading it from this page (, yes?

    Yes, and this is the error message, "Our apologies but there was an unexpected error with the application. This problem has been noted, and an email has been sent to the administrators. Please check back in a few hours to try the download again."

    Been trying since yesterday afternoon, no go. And it doesn't matter what computer, mac or PC, or what browser I use.

    Oct 16, 08:48 PM
    We'll be doing another entry tomorrow, and hopefully with better lighting and such, heck we might not even be in it ;).

    May 6, 09:27 AM
    Congrats on the well-deserved vacation, I hope you enjoy it.

    I was working those kind of hours for a couple of months toward the end of last year. Aggressive software deadlines. I count myself fortunate that I get paid for the overtime. It's much easier to accept working at 8pm on a Sunday night when I know I can charge time and a half for the entire weekend!

    Things have settled a bit but I'm finding a comfortable pace of working mostly regular hours during the week, plus coming in on Sunday afternoons for a few OT hours.

    Sky Blue
    Apr 1, 09:07 AM
    they get funnier every year....

    Feb 14, 12:18 PM
    I'm about to update the guide now. Some more things will be tweaked and added, and the 'choose config' thingymajig wordmunger suggested is being worked on. (But won't be in this update.)

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