Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hello Kitty 3d Nail Art

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  • AirmanPika
    Jan 16, 09:21 AM
    you think they would do something like what they did with the earlier macbooks when 802.11n came out and have you buy an enabler. So i guess i'm saying do you think that apple already put blue-ray drives in.

    Not likely, it was discovered the day they released the 802.11n cards that they were the faster wireless. Someone by now would have opened up a new Mac Pro and discovered the Blu-Ray drives if they had done that.

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  • Solafaa
    Nov 4, 04:00 PM
    If you have any questions PM me or post here and i will answer you asap.

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  • pyounderfire
    Apr 23, 11:45 PM
    Hi Everyone:

    I've come back to the mac world. I've been away ever since my apple G3 was stolen. Now, I bought an apple I3 IMac 27". Hummm, I still miss my G3. Anyways, let's get to the problem.

    In these threads, everyone is having problems with their IMac's not sleeping in Windows 7. Well not me. For me, my IMac is not sleeping in OS X [10.6.7]. I thought there was a hardware issue. Just to make sure it was not, I erased the hard drive and reinstalled the OS. Then, it was fine for awhile until I started installing software. The last thing I installed was skype in OS. And now it does not go to sleep in OS. Why doesn't my IMac fall asleep on its own in OS X? Could it be boot camp? Or, could it be skype? And yes, I reset the PRAM and followed the directions on the apple web-site and I even called apple care but, to no avail. I should have bought a Windows machine!

    Just kidding....

    Can someone help me please? If it's a skype issue then, I understand. But, why on earth would skype prevent my IMac from sleeping even when it is closed. It just doesn't make any sense for the programmers to have skype conflict with OSX 10.6.7; they would have resolved these types of conflicts by now.

    Thanks everyone!


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  • mr evil brkfast
    Sep 25, 07:06 PM
    No. I think the 1Ghz is the better deal.

    I really like the value of the 867- finally a non-crippled Pro machine at $1699 or $2699 in Canada is great. I'd wait until the next upgrade to even consider the top of the line.

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  • bedifferent
    May 2, 11:39 AM
    Didn't work for me. I also see this on two different 10.7 installs. Using the keyboard shortcuts or the menu bar to arrange by still works just no right click.
    See screenshot for list of keyboard shortcuts.

    Would moving the Finder preference file to your Desktop and starting help? If it's a Finder issue perhaps forcing Finder defaults may help?

    Quick question, how did you install Lion? I'm asking as some people installed it over Snow Leopard and are running into issues. You can install it fresh by burning the dmg in Lion(DP1 or 2, doesn't matter but DP2 will be best)/Contents/SharedSupport/InstallESD.dmg to DVD or USB:

    Creating a bootable OS X 10.7 Lion disc (Update: �and USB stick) (

    I booted up with a fresh SSD and installed fresh, and it fixed a lot of issues (such as not being able to delete any app's in Launchpad and some app's that were not working in DP2 update 2 work well).

    Hope this helps! I'm gonna post a thread with this info as well in case others want to know. :)

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  • Consultant
    Apr 27, 12:09 PM
    Consumer services don't work well as a real CDN. Here are some suggestions:

    VPS ( (UK company)
    Amazon cloud s3 (
    Rackspace (

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  • nitynate
    Oct 17, 12:18 PM

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  • dejo
    May 4, 03:33 PM
    I'm learning about the Picker View and was pretty disappointed that the book didn't go beyond basic stuff. I went thru several other books and online as well as the built in Apple help
    You talk about "the book". Which book? And who is the author? Also, what were the "other" books?

    Not one had an example of putting a pic inside the Picker.
    The book was a single column, no example of multi column, or custom widths or loading from array.
    See the UICatalog sample app for demonstrations of how to, at least, use images.

    Basically I need MUCH more detail, eight book and not one goes into good detail.

    Is there any book that REALLY gets under the hood and opens things up?
    Of all the programming help/docs/books I read, it's pretty hard to imagine there's not a better book than these.
    Most books don't go into the kind of detail I think you seek. They give you the basics and then it's up to you and your cleverness to use those fundamentals to adapt things to your needs.

    Amazon's preview thing is pretty worthless, can't get into the meat of the book, the 'contents' doesn't tell you enuff.
    They'll give you sample pages from a chapter. Any more and they'd be giving away to real content and some would have no incentive to buy the book, would they?

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  • snap58
    Mar 5, 10:05 AM
    It's a worthy cause, and gives my old mac's something to do.

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  • Artillerist
    Apr 20, 04:33 PM
    Was there a reason you have one of the Few Razer Mice that is not suported for Mac? Mamba, Naga, Imperator, Orochi, DeathAdder, Spectre. All are Mac compatable.
    Razer Naga Spec ( the one I use)
    5600DPI Razer Precision 3.5G Laser Sensor
    17 fully programmable MMO-optimized buttons
    Maximum comfort for long gaming sessions
    Custom interface AddOns for MMO games
    PC/Mac compatible

    "Razer already provides full Mac support for a few of its gaming peripherals -- including the Naga and DeathAdder -- and basic support for others, but it's now taken avantage of GDC to "reaffirm" its commitment to Mac users. That apparently means that "all upcoming" Razer products -- including the company's line of StarCraft II peripherals -- will boast full Mac support out of the box, and that the company will be rolling out updates to some of its existing products "later this year," including the Orochi, Mamba, and Imperator gaming mice. First Steam, now Razer peripherals -- dare we say it's a good time to be a Mac gamer? "

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  • MBP13
    May 4, 08:02 PM
    Thank you for your advice and help. However, because this particular iMac G4 didn't look so good, I am no longer interested in it. I did, though, buy an iMac G5 17" (1.8 GHz with Bluetooth Keyboard & Mouse) for $328.95. Earlier today, I tried to bid on a iMac G5 with an Intel processor that was running Snow Leopard. I lost by $5.01! :( I wanted that one so badly!

    Out of all the iMac G5's I looked at on eBay, this one seemed to be the best of the bunch for a reasonable price.

    Though I did buy an iMac G5, I did find these REALLY, REALLY nice iMac G4's running Leopard.

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  • djejrejk
    Jan 12, 07:50 PM
    What if Apple is launching something like its own nationwide wireless network (wifi, not cell), ties into .mac, iphone, itouch etc? Possibly the technology is easily rolled to other countries and that is part of the reason why the foreign press has been invited.

    Pure speculation on my part. I have no "inside sources" or a deep throat.

    Does Apple own a nationwide wireless network? Im confused. :confused: :eek:

    Just kidding.

    And .mac is still partially broken for Leopard. Hopefully they will announce another .mac upgrade at Macworld.

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  • ~Shard~
    Sep 24, 03:23 AM
    Yeah, just to clarify I have been using a mac for about two years now. It is my friend who switched to mac :) He just placed the order a few hours ago for his new 12" iBook.

    Ah, thanks for the clarification - that's what I get for speed reading... :o ;)

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  • mkrishnan
    Dec 15, 06:16 PM
    I thought that, at some point when AE and BT became standard features, there stopped being a "card" that was removable from the computer.... I don't think current iBooks or PBs even *have* externally accessible wireless cards. But I could be wrong about that.

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  • Elan0204
    Aug 20, 08:26 PM
    Very nice. I'm glad you took my suggestion and starting making some flying llama avatars. I'm sure you'll come up with some very funny stuff.

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  • macintel4me
    Jan 10, 05:38 PM
    Cool. Interesting business model. ;) I wonder why its free now. Trying to preempt something from Apple maybe? :)

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  • BobArctor
    Oct 25, 07:41 AM
    Hi everyone!

    Fellow Australian here... I will hopefully be at the Ginza store as soon as possible after work. Hopefully the trains aren't too packed.

    Can't wait!

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  • TheMasin9
    Dec 2, 11:53 AM
    how much u thinkin?

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  • IwantImac
    May 6, 11:09 AM
    No not at all. It's bassicly to try out and see what apple can offer.

    Besides that i will do some small gaming, but this can't be considered as an issue.

    May 4, 01:21 PM
    To intall in your MBP, the bare drive is all you need. There are four mounting nubby screws on the old drive you need to move to the new drive. Use a #6 Torx driver to remove them. Easy.

    THAT was exactly what I was lookin' for. Thanks!

    Nov 3, 12:33 PM
    Sparky, I have my G5 on a time switch to reduce power consumption. It only folds when it's on (obviously), so that's about 6-7 hours a day. So, now is your chance to come close to me! Overtaking me is a whole different story!! :D Also, does increase come in a dual proc setup and does it/folding start automatically at startup?

    How much faster the console version is Vs. the GUI client is hard to say. It really depends on how fast your Mac is. If you have an older Mac (say G3) then it's a significant difference. You have a bit of overhead on your proc of the images, which aren't completely for the Graphics card. Your proc also has to process it, giving a bit of overhead. My G3 400 Mhz B&W had a lot of this overhead with the GUI client. Increase will also give a bit, but less, overhead.

    Sep 27, 12:46 PM
    I'm living in a 2 bedroom/4 person suite with a living room. For the first week or so, we connected using the old way: an Ethernet cable.

    But I realized unplugging and plugging back in was silly when I had an Airport Express sitting in my desk.

    So now, we have a wireless network. I lowerd the strength, made it password protected, and hidden. It's awesome! It's hooked up to my JBL Creature speakers and my printer, so now, we can be in the living room online, printing, playing tunes, whatever. Plus there's never anything to plug in when I bring my computer back to the room, just open it up!.

    Watch out though, my roomates have played a trick on me once. I was sitting in front of my computer (and speakers) and my roomate decided to start blasting music on my speakers... I jumped quite a bit...

    The only downside is now I can't share my iTunes library with the rest of the Residence Hall, nor can I view theirs.

    Dec 23, 06:43 PM
    It's okay, I understand what you mean :)

    My mac's a 14" iBook that's been upgraded to 1 GB of RAM and 80 GB HD. I use Airport (so I experience the delayed connection that you've got post-wake) and there's nothing hooked up with Bluetooth.

    I'm so confused as to where this problem could be originating...

    Jul 3, 03:54 PM
    Wow, the only PC laptop I like is being recalled. Before I got my MacBook, the Vaio was the only PC I was considering buying.

    Try a Thinkpad T-series. Best-built for the money, with user-replaceable parts (try finding that on most machines today), and a keyboard that puts all others to shame.

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