Friday, May 20, 2011

Black Ops Ascension Monkeys

Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. Black Ops First Strike DLC
  • Black Ops First Strike DLC

  • shakeman0
    Mar 4, 09:57 AM
    Personally, I can't even fathom still being on 3.2.1, considering how many changes/features have been added since then to 4.2.1. And considering how easy it is to jailbreak, it's a total no-brainer.

    I totally agree.

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. call of duty lack ops zombies
  • call of duty lack ops zombies

  • marlenedegrood
    Oct 3, 07:09 PM
    If you copy by burning a dvd along with the itunes library data couldn't you just drop it into the itunes folder? Otherwise if you just transfer the music folders it seems you'd lose all your changed info.....comments, genre etc. I for one would really hate do redo the info on thousands of songs.


    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. lack ops zombies ascension
  • lack ops zombies ascension

  • PickledSquirrel
    Sep 22, 01:27 PM
    Well what will you use it for, what apps will you run? The ibook is not slow, the only time it will be slow is for running some pro apps such as FCP. Also you might want to consider the 12" ibook since the 14 and 12 inch have the same resolution.
    Well, I'll be using it for notetaking, the occasional graphic work and quite possibly some numbercrunching come next semester... We'll be doing statistics :eek:
    Basically, you could say that what I need is an advanced typewriter, but then again, I imagine that once I get to know the machine, I'll be wanting it to do more stuff? Never had a portable before....


    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. lack ops zombies ascension
  • lack ops zombies ascension

  • toffa813
    Jun 29, 12:36 AM
    I've got my alarm set for 450 right now but will probably end up staying up all night and just going whenever. I don't think it'll be that bad

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. call of duty lack ops zombies
  • call of duty lack ops zombies

  • celebi23
    Oct 25, 04:10 PM
    Looks like I'm gonna end up getting Leopard for $69 from my school bookstore. Meh, a T-Shirt is not worth the extra $60 though :(

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. call of duty lack ops zombies
  • call of duty lack ops zombies

  • sparkleytone
    Sep 17, 07:48 PM
    i think a redefinition of what a PDA and what a CellPhone is is in the works.

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. call of duty lack ops zombies
  • call of duty lack ops zombies

  • wordoflife
    Apr 3, 12:03 AM
    If you loose your phone, you'll have to buy a new phone. And it will cost you close to retail price if you are still on a contract.

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. In Ascension, escape on all 3
  • In Ascension, escape on all 3

  • aaron.lee2006
    Mar 21, 05:55 PM
    Title says it. I rarely buy games for single player. I'm always online.

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. lack ops zombies ascension
  • lack ops zombies ascension

  • Lacero
    Dec 19, 01:38 AM
    I love Katie Melua and her new album!


    Piece by Piece is the second album from this Georgia-born singer. If you've never heard her music, you should definitely give her a listen. Her voice is so hauntingly beautiful and immaculate. I get goosebumps listening to her sing. Anyway, I just love her, so this avatar is dedicated for her.

    I've combined my two great loves, Katie Melua and Apple, and it's a play on words... literally!

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. lack ops zombies ascension
  • lack ops zombies ascension

  • macgeek18
    Dec 25, 06:37 PM
    My laptop and iPod. I would die without Pandora.
    Also my wonderful fiance and my Lord Jesus.

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. call of duty lack ops zombies
  • call of duty lack ops zombies

  • LethalWolfe
    May 4, 03:46 PM
    Good. Pay your taxes amazon. Why should they not have to? If there were a federal law in place they would have no other options. No more tax breaks for corporations.

    Don't you mean pay your taxes Amazon customers? The reprieve was on people living in SC not having to pay sales tax on things they buy via Amazon.


    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. call of duty lack ops zombies
  • call of duty lack ops zombies

  • Big Shisha
    Apr 12, 04:26 AM

    I would like to create a simple iphone app for my sports team, all it would need to include is:
    -twitter feed
    -youtube feed
    -rss news feed from the main site

    Am I right in thinking that the only software I need is xcode 4 and a developers license to get the app into the app store?

    I have some experience in coding, mainly HTML. From the screenshots of xcode 4, it looks similar to dreamweaver in that you can work in a GUI(add table by clicking on the table button) or by coding it.
    Is it that simple, or am I getting it wrong?

    Also, if I buy a developers license for a year, what happens after that year? Does the app stay in the store, but I cannot update it, or does it disappear from the app store?

    Apologies if these are stupid questions, I have looked for an answer, but have come up with nothing so far.

    Thanks in advance.

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. lack ops zombies ascension
  • lack ops zombies ascension

  • kikuchiyo
    Apr 4, 07:33 AM
    Chrome relies on the Webkit engine to render content. Lion contains a verison of Webkit that's newer than anything currently available. Therefore, Chrome is broken and will stay broken until Google developers release a version that makes use of the newer engine.

    I don't think this is correct. Chrome may have incompatibilities with Lion, but it rolls with its own version of Webkit. It's not like Chrome is a different UI for the version of Webkit Safari uses.

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. lack ops zombies gameplay
  • lack ops zombies gameplay

  • bmwhd
    May 5, 11:22 AM
    Yep. When I'm running a Winterboard theme, I'll get banner adds at the top, behind the icons, on my springboard after closing certain apps.

    I can reproduce 100% of the time with an app called 'Speedometer FREE' from the Apple app store. Quick respring cures it.

    iP4, 4.3.2, redsn0w.

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. call of duty lack ops zombies
  • call of duty lack ops zombies

  • Nishi100
    May 4, 03:52 PM
    I'm going to be buying this iMac, with a HD and SSD together. However, am a bit confused on how the HD and SSD works together:

    1) Do they appear as one drive in the finder?
    2) If you download an app, then install it; will the downloaded *zip* (saved in "Downloads") be stored in the HD, and the app installed on the SSD (obviously saved in "Applications"), automatically?

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. lack ops zombies ascension
  • lack ops zombies ascension

  • yankintx
    Sep 26, 01:50 PM
    How old are some of you people anyway?

    I mean, what kind of person goes around wondering whether other people think he has an Iphone or an Ipod touch?

    Get a life or grow up, or both!:eek:

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. lack ops zombies ascension
  • lack ops zombies ascension

  • nomad01
    Sep 20, 08:31 AM
    Look closer, dude. I think they added several new Support webpages. SWEET!


    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. lack ops zombies ascension
  • lack ops zombies ascension

  • Blondie :)
    Apr 22, 12:23 AM
    Hello all,

    I had a hunch that this would only be a matter of time, and sure enough, it's happened. My November 2009 MacBook has officially begun to crack in a few areas on the case. The main cracking is on the rear of the computer where the hinge connects to the screen. There is also one crack beginning to form on the left side of my palm rest area. I wonder if apple will provide free replacements for this model as well. This makes me believe apple should just get rid of the plastics altogether.

    Black Ops Ascension Monkeys. lack ops zombies ascension
  • lack ops zombies ascension

  • djsound
    Feb 5, 12:48 PM
    OK your page has forms. I know how to make forms, I just don't know how to send the results to a database that can be used to send to later. I am just creating this website for a client. I do not want to have to be involved every time they want to send something from a MailChimp account. I am pretty sure they are not going to want to use a MailChimp account themselves. I don't think they would know how. They just want to be able to go to their email and send an email update to people.....and what if it is over 2000 people?

    Jul 3, 10:44 AM
    Try this AppleCare Knowledge Base article to see if it helps.

    Doctor Q
    Apr 25, 05:15 PM
    Is this why we have a ratings system now?

    Skynet took over MacRumors!!:eek:
    No, but Skynet did take over Apple. See proof (

    I always wondered if Arn let you guys keep all the Spam you delete. :)
    We print out all spam posts and keep them in notebooks so arn can review them during our bi-centurial performance evaluations.

    May 4, 01:44 PM
    they prolly didnt bother since this update was rushed out to take care of the tracking problem, they will prolly fix it on the next of just let it live till IOS 5

    Feb 21, 08:08 AM
    Strange. Works fine for me with the latest firmware jailbroken.

    Nov 30, 06:36 PM
    I'll buy the Razor so we can lop a line off your sig.

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