Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cute Pictures For Birthday Cards

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  • zimv20
    Jul 8, 01:55 PM
    okay, i think this is it.

    i cannot browse below ~/Documents by going to but i can browse freely by going to

    dunno what the deal is, but at least i have a solution. and what i said above about ditching the link at /Library/WebServer/Documents/Documents should be ignored. it's needed.

    wasn't this fun? :-)

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  • trackbikes
    May 5, 08:44 AM
    tried moving it around and as noted above the sound decreases and increases depending on where it stands. guess itspropably the desk then

    yep... bet it's quieter closer to the corners, I found some cheap noeprene mousemats worked well

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  • solowmodel
    May 1, 08:19 PM
    You keep posting this drivel.
    This is not a new iPhone only a new color.
    There is nothing any more spectacular about it.
    We black iPhone users have been using it for 10 months now.

    Relax. Let the man enjoy his new phone.

    I picked up a white one also, switching from a 3GS. Sure, played around with other friends' i4 but actually ownership is great.

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  • Bob_Barker
    Feb 23, 05:17 PM
    Yeah, I don't have the phone anymore. Thanks for the interest though.

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  • edesignuk
    Aug 6, 01:46 PM
    For an awful second I thought I was going to be e :DYou wish buddy, I know your game

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  • Island Dog
    Sep 19, 08:52 PM
    Can you take the check to the company store and have them do a special/bto order, so you pay there but get it sent to you from the factory?

    I have to take the check to the store. I'm just not sure what their policy is on upgrades. I read on the forums that sometimes they keep iBooks with bigger HD's in stock because it's a popular upgrade.

    Thanks again for the advice. I have been wanting to buy an iBook for a long time.

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  • md63
    Mar 16, 09:21 AM
    It works on my iPad 2. It shows the Netflix red screen on my iPad and then the stream on my TV with the audio coming from my TV. I don't have to do anything special aside from plug the cables in and we're good to go. I don't have any additional display apps on my iPad.

    Are you using the new HDMI adapter?

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  • Jon619
    Jun 12, 02:49 PM
    Anyone else going to be going to the apple store for their phone on the 19th?

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  • emiljan
    Apr 18, 09:19 AM
    Try to reinstall the bootcamp drivers again and see if that helps.

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  • aznkid25
    Jan 15, 10:49 PM
    I signed up for text and email notification but got nothing. If you want to download the keynote, heres the link:
    Just right-click and save.

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  • maylen
    Feb 12, 02:48 PM
    I lost my iphone couple days ago , now using some old nokia 1100 waiting for 5g.Right now i only need an ipod for music..

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  • MRiOS
    May 5, 08:50 PM
    my answer is yes and no. I'll explain if this puzzles you.
    Yes, I did make my Lion a major OS of use on my main machine.
    No, I did not upgrade my Snow Leopard installation.

    What I did was install it on a partition on a secondary drive in my tower, but I tend to use lion and the snow leopard partitions equally. I usually end up switching back and forth after a week or so of using each. both contain most of the same programs and bookmarks so I can easily do some work no matter which side i'm on, thankfully I haven't had too many issues with programs not working in lion. I did a clean install of lion DP1 and then wiped that and did a clean install of DP2 and have since just done the recommended updates. so yes, I did upgrade my main machine to lion, and no I don't use lion as my sole OS.

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  • mac.rumors
    May 6, 03:59 PM
    A 2TB Seagate ST32000541AS on my 3.4GHz i7 with 2GB 6970M. I have not been able to get any details of this drive on Seagate's website.

    Any pointers to more details will be helpful.


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  • Shackrat
    Jun 30, 03:12 PM
    Am I the only one who notices that photos taken on the iPhone 4 front camera look wonky in this app? For one, the rotation is opposite what the original photo was.

    On the MobileMe gallery web page, IP4 front camera photos are rotated correctly, however the aspect ratio is way off making everything look fat.

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  • uknick
    Mar 25, 12:41 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Don't know about you guys but I have decided to order my new iPad online this morning at 5am and then take my chances at the store today. When I places my order it said 2-3 weeks which is a bit scary!! I went for the 32gb 3G in black with the grey smart cover (yes I know I'm boring) let me know whether you have taken the same route and also whether you hear from Apple on shipping. I will hopfully be heading out to Covent Garden this afternoon to try to get my hands on one.... ATB Nick

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  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 10, 06:24 AM
    I just started to back up when I installed lion

    A backup of what exactly?...

    Why not use Finder to just backup all your files and folders you are interested in, then reinstall Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and then get back the files and folders you were interested in from the backup you made before you reinstalled Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard?

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  • After G
    Sep 15, 08:20 PM
    Haven't had experience with either kb; I heard mechanical keys are better for typing. Still, if you are looking for a nice keyboard, you could try the Kensington Slimtype. It's nice, and doesn't cost a lot.

    Sorry for the short post; don't know what else I could say.

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  • brayhite
    May 6, 03:00 PM
    Have any of you tried upgrading (for whatever reason, maybe coming from a 3GS) and been questioned about the unlimited plan? It's still some 14 months away for me but I was just curious what might transpire when I try upgrading and they see I got unlimited data even though I joined AT&T AFTER June.

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  • amacgenius
    Dec 20, 03:05 PM
    Colin over at replaced a few things in his PB, which involved opening it up, maybe this article ( can help.

    Mar 20, 11:29 AM
    I suppose if you buy a lot of PSN games the huge console price increase from US to UK doesn't seem as bad.

    How is the Lemmings game? Is it actually Lemmings at 3*6 pixels small or the **** stains on the PSP one? Can you use a mouse? Is it a 'best of' or a port of a previous Lemmings?
    I love Lemmings :)

    Jun 24, 06:42 PM
    I'm glad to hear that you are liking your iBook. You will probably get used to the keyboard soon. :)

    Apr 27, 10:19 AM
    It's in the retail case, it's a DVT prototype so it's probably close to being finished.

    Do you have a tracking number or know when it will come in?

    Sep 26, 10:52 AM
    We share your feelings. Congratulations.:) :D ;) :cool:

    Sep 23, 10:34 AM
    E-Mail #1:

    I have a degree in English from the University of Massachusetts and could provide you with some copy editing service when needed (which you presently need).

    E-Mail #2:

    Meanwhile, you might want to take the extra "s" out of "sunrises".

    (On my Web site.)

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