Saturday, May 21, 2011

Clip Art Arrows Free

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  • Scippy
    Apr 12, 09:04 PM
    I'd so take one of those over an iPad, any day. :)

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  • Andronicus
    Nov 16, 10:55 PM
    I love iPhone commercials.

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  • MacNorway
    Oct 5, 08:37 PM
    9. What does the settlement provide?
    NVIDIA has agreed to provide a replacement of the NVIDIA GPU or MCP to Class Members who purchased certain versions of some Dell, Inc. or Apple Inc. notebook computers that contain an NVIDIA chip and who send in a valid Claim Form and appropriate supporting documentation.

    NVIDIA has also agreed to provide a fund in the amount of $2,000,000 to provide reimbursements if you purchased a version of one of the notebook computer models identified in the Full Notice that contains an NVIDIA GPU or MCP during the dates listed in the Full Notice experienced certain identified symptoms, and have appropriate documentation proving that you paid to have the notebook computer repaired. The amount of reimbursement may depend on the number of reimbursement claims received.

    (note: edited down for clarity)

    22. How will the lawyers be paid?
    Class Counsel will ask the Court for attorneys’ fees and expenses in the amount of $13,000,000. NVIDIA will pay Class Counsel’s fees and expenses. These amounts will not come out of any funds for payments to Class Members. NVIDIA has agreed not to oppose these fees and expenses.

    So, the buyers gets a new chip and a split on the 2 mill... the lawyers get $13 mill... HOW many hours did you say they worked?

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  • CanadaRAM
    Sep 27, 08:36 PM e_A_C_E_

    how about that one?? i kinda wanna save her some thats why i was looking into the one a newegg, but if this is the best price $144...then ill have to get this one..

    Yup, that's the one.

    I deal with Data Memory Systems every day - they are honest and are real Mac users. They sell quality RAM and back it up - you won't be disappointed.

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  • ubestbsteppin
    Jun 18, 05:06 PM
    Anyone going to Towsontown Center Apple Store?

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  • Luke Redpath
    Jul 25, 07:03 PM
    You are quite mistake, this second preview is near feature complete. It needs some polishing, but for the most part it's nearly ready to be shipped.

    Sorry, but it is nowhere near ready to be shipped. It easily needs another 3-6 months. It's still buggy, has performance issues and many features are still missing.

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  • mpopkin
    Sep 19, 05:21 PM
    i have one and their color clarity and crispness is better than the new cinema displays and is definetely one of the best on the market. Recommended.

    I need to buy a monitor for a powerbook and saw a few companies selling new, in the box 17" Apple Studio Displays online. The price is about $450. I have always loved the look of that monitor, but am wondering how well they stack up with today's monitors. In addition, I believe for the same price I could get 19" - so I am torn. Any advice? :confused:

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  • Freg3000
    Jul 21, 05:30 PM
    Originally posted by Laslo Panaflex
    Either you pressed the capture now button before the video device was ready, or the device isn't playing. In Either case you can press the capture now, then press play on your camera.


    Ok, we are getting somewhere. When I press play after hitting capture now, the video starts playing. When I hit ESC to stop it, it does stop, but nothing happens. no dialog boxes asking me what to name it, and nothing appears in the browser.

    The iMovie thing does work, but I'd rather do it "the right way." :)

    Edit: I have got it working (thanks for all your help) but I still am doing it manually in the sense that it does not stop when there is a cut in the tape. I'd like to get each clip every time I started to record, and it is too hard to do manually. Should I just get out of this iMovie mindset or is it possible to do this?

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  • Loopie
    Apr 28, 10:32 AM
    I have an Emac that turns on, but doesn't start properly; the screen stays black and the fan is working. It used to beep/flash a light a couple of times to indicate what was wrong (unfortunately I don't remember how many times, but sort of remember looking up what it meant - I think it was a motherboard or CPU issue), but the beeping/flashing and chiming stopped.

    Has anyone dealt with a similar issue and what was wrong with your Emac?

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  • guzhogi
    Aug 3, 09:28 AM
    I wonder if this also resolves the magenta-shifting of highlights that I've been experiencing with Canon EOS 1D3 and PowerShot S60 .CR2 files...

    If not, have you filed a bug report?

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  • vestigo74
    Apr 20, 01:55 PM
    Man, I almost wigged out. I just bought the iPad version for $19.99... but this 99 cent thing is only for the iPhone/iPod touch versions.


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  • Thertel88
    Oct 21, 10:46 PM
    I have 3 questions

    1. at the Tiger release did everyone get scratch off cards?

    2. ^^ Did everyone receive the 10% discount along with the scratch cards?

    3.If I were to buy an iMac that night with the 10% discount can i get that on top of my education discount?

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  • MacTech68
    Apr 27, 11:58 AM
    Can you link us to the ebay auction so we can see some pictures.etc?

    Possibly this ( ?
    Ford Ikon (

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  • zagato27
    Oct 26, 07:20 PM
    I haven't used this keyboard myself, but i've heard it comes pretty close to what you're looking for:

    I bought one of these for my G5, love it. Looks cool and has very nice action, I seem to fly on this board! 2 USB ports (one at each end). Pretty cheap too.... $39 at Newegg I think. It gets my vote. :D

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  • dornoforpyros
    Aug 18, 11:17 AM
    heh, i used to agree. listen to their latest album. it's much better than the others. ;)

    I'd like to agree with you, I actually thought Clocks was a decent song. But then I noticed their new single "speed of sound"? sounds exactly the same, so I'm guessing the rest of the album does too.
    Besides I'm hookt on the Dandy Warhols for the time being :D

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  • BanjoBanker
    Apr 12, 04:28 PM
    I agree on the iPhone 4. The iPad is a great device, but if you are in need of a new phone, the iPhone is the way to go. iPhones are fabulous devices, period. The ability to access data on the fly is unbelievable. Having all your contacts and your calendar always with you is an incredible convenience. If I had to choose between an iPhone and an iPad, I would definitely go with the iPhone. I have had one since day one and I cannot imagine life without my iPhone.

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  • snaky69
    May 4, 06:21 AM
    What you want to do with the secondary display is called clamshell mode.

    You need an external keyboard and mouse to achieve it.

    1. Plug in and turn on external display
    2. Close the lid of the computer, let it sleep
    3. Wake it up using said external keyboard and mouse
    4. Your external is now your main, and only display, running at it's native resolution.

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  • NewYorkRules
    Jun 29, 01:58 PM
    ATT in flatiron said all AT&T stores in manhattan are sold out. Walked into store above and got one...16GB only.
    Hope this helps.

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  • trainguy77
    Nov 14, 06:15 PM
    So when are you planning on doing this? Don't see anywhere in the top 100 :p
    and my G5 gets a bit of a rest instead of folding 24/7. It uses a lot of power and am trying to cut down my electric bill.

    If i told you then it would not be a secret. I lost another work unit to the beta client.....however i still am getting decent daily output. I will tell you when i am in the top 100......o and by the way i am not folding under trainguy77.....You may already know what i am folding under but if you don't.....I will tell you when i am about to overtake you. :D

    EDIT: by the way I may be a couple thousands points behind you so it will just be a long steady haul.

    May 2, 09:24 AM
    This thread is full of win.

    Apr 3, 03:15 PM
    -drools- Sorry, that does look pretty sweet.

    Jan 15, 08:22 AM
    What's the Apple keynote speech?

    May 6, 11:38 AM
    Undoubtedly 10, it's the best desktop on Earth today.

    And despite all this BS that Winblows fanboys love to spread around here, I am yet to see a PC beating my 2008 iMac in terms of overall performance, UI responsiveness and REAL multitasking capabilities (not the crap that Windows represents).

    NONE of my friends and relatives (all of them NORMAL users) has a better-performing machine - so please be careful when reading posts from hobbyists about "building your machine" and the like. No ordinary customer does that or wants to do that.

    - The iMac has the BEST screen in the industry;
    - The BEST OS in the industry, with the option to run inferior Windows if you want to suffer;
    - The BEST AIO design, and none of the bulkiness common to the ugly Windows world;
    - The BEST keyboard;
    - The BEST standard, multitouch mouse (magic mouse) - just genius;
    - Even for an older machine like mine, EXCELLENT overall performance;
    - Multitasking responsiveness that is miles ahead of Windows machines (remembering my pathetic PC at work);
    - Almost totally silent;
    - The best customer service in the world.

    Windows PCs nowadays are just for three types of people:

    1 - Hardcore gamers who love to brag about irrelevant specs or one extra FPS;
    2 - People like the above who need to change their GPU every month or like to tinker with their boxes;
    3 - Masochists.

    Just buy your iMac and be happy - you're not gonna regret it.

    Dec 6, 12:38 PM
    All of my browsers regularly freeze on MySpace. I regularly get a "playlist not valid" or some error like that because apparently the WMP 10 has a different format and since WMP9 for Mac was only available months after WMP10 for Windows, it doesn't know anything about the other. :rolleyes: I suppose we should be thankful that we have WMP9 at all.

    Anyway, from my experience you can't get things to work unless you use Windows. Apparently, Tom, the main person in charge uses a PowerBook to work on the site but everything is running on Windows NT 4. At least, I see the error messages for NT 4 once a month.

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