Friday, May 20, 2011

Life And Love Of Trees

Life And Love Of Trees. bird-zuckerman-life-and-love-
  • bird-zuckerman-life-and-love-

  • musique
    Apr 4, 06:48 AM
    "Plays nicely with the MAC" doesn't give a lot of information about what you're planning to use to edit on the Mac.

    In general, however, most cameras shoot video that is made for playback, not editing. So, if you're planning to use FCP to edit, FCP can import many different formats and convert them to formats made for editing. In addition, there are free and not-free programs that can assist in converting your camera format to an editing format.

    If you can provide more information about your needs, you'll probably get more informative responses.

    Good luck.

    Life And Love Of Trees. The Life and Love of Trees
  • The Life and Love of Trees

  • ComputersaysNo
    May 5, 07:35 AM

    Life And Love Of Trees. #39;The life and love of Trees#39;
  • #39;The life and love of Trees#39;

  • Peter.Howard
    Nov 13, 09:21 PM
    yeah the happy mac thats what i see no matter when i push the shift key

    It of course shouldn't matter, but you are using the shift key below the caps lock?

    I'm about at the limit of my knowledge from what I remember about these sorry.

    Maybe someone else can jump in with some ideas?

    Seems odd that it will not boot without extensions, or if it is getting to that point even?

    Life And Love Of Trees. #39;The life and love of Trees#39;
  • #39;The life and love of Trees#39;

  • brn2ski00
    Jun 22, 08:05 PM
    how much for shipping the socks?

    $4, PM me if interested.

    Life And Love Of Trees. I fell in love with trees
  • I fell in love with trees

  • Brian33
    Apr 28, 10:02 AM
    I'm still relatively new to OS X, but holding the option key is the only way I know of to select which disk to boot. If there is another way (e.g., a boot-time menu or something that didn't require holding a key), I'd be interested to know about it.

    Life And Love Of Trees. I love palm trees and I love
  • I love palm trees and I love

  • KevRC4130
    Oct 26, 03:54 PM
    Try an IBM Thinkpad... in reviews, they often mention the quality of the keyboard, and having had one for a while, I would agree.

    Lee Tom

    Yes, I have firsthand experience with a Thinkpad, my dad has got one. The keyboard is indeed very nice, but I think the PB's has a slight edge on it. I think the origional poster is asking for a normal keyboard, not a laptop with a good keyboard.

    Life And Love Of Trees. life and love balance,
  • life and love balance,

  • atrac7
    Apr 4, 09:12 PM
    More than likely if I were to take it to the Apple store I'd have restored by then...which hopefully would alleviate the problem at that point.

    My main point is, if I have no recourse in my current jailbroken state, what options are the best to restore yet not have to upgrade my firmware (aka losing the chance to jailbreak untethered)

    Life And Love Of Trees. terrain: The Life and Love of Trees
  • terrain: The Life and Love of Trees

  • wurgi
    Mar 24, 01:24 PM
    The lineup in front of Eaton Centre has already started...

    Makes me wonder if I should go somewhere else instead.

    Life And Love Of Trees. The Life and Love of Trees
  • The Life and Love of Trees

  • AirmanPika
    Jan 16, 09:23 PM
    The only logical thing, should anything get released, would be Final Cut Server.

    Other related products are DVD Studio Pro 5, Blu-Ray Drives, Phenomenon (Shake Successor) and Cinema Displays. I do not expect the first three until NAB at the earliest. The Displays maybe at the developers conference.

    Apple would not announce Newton 2 at a Final Cut User Event.

    Yea thats the most logical thing. But I wasn't saying it would be the Newton 2. I was saying it would be some kind of multimedia editing tablet. The newton 2 just being a rumor based off some random person who didn't have the full story. Ah well, I'm just floating around in dreamland so don't mind me ;)

    Life And Love Of Trees. The Life and Love of Trees
  • The Life and Love of Trees

  • evoluzione
    Sep 25, 10:35 AM
    from what i remember, the marriage was off, she couldn't get into the states, and gave up.
    or something.

    good luck to you rei, and glad you're being realistic about things when you get back to venezuela.

    Life And Love Of Trees. From “The Life and Love of
  • From “The Life and Love of

  • arn
    Nov 3, 10:55 PM
    I was playing with something...

    I like the concept... need to get more materials.


    Life And Love Of Trees. From “The Life and Love of
  • From “The Life and Love of

  • ickarumba1
    Apr 13, 11:26 PM
    Hello there, (TL;DR at bottom)

    I have a late 2008 model 13" Macbook, that I received as a present. I haven't upgraded it except by adding more RAM.
    Currently it has: 4GB RAM, 2.1 GHz Dual Core Core 2, 120 GB HDD (the original one)
    I am running Windows 7 off a bootcamp partition. I choose to run win7 because I don't like using OSX.

    Recently, I've noticed slow downs in start up times, and on the few occasions I use OSX, I've had the rainbow beachball quite often. Therefore, I've decided to upgrade my HD.
    I live in New Zealand, so the following prices in NZD, please think of the prices proportionally. (Say one HD is $100, and another is $200. Think of the first HD in USD, then just double that price for the price of the other HD in USD)

    I can spend (at most) $350 NZD, but I want to base my decision of value, not of performance. These are my options:
    - WD Scorpio Blue 500GB $102
    - WD Scorpio Black 500GB $119
    - Seagate Momentus XT 500GB $209
    - OCZ Vertex 2 25nm 60GB $239
    - Intel X25-M G2 80GB $288
    - OCZ Vertex 2 34nm 90GB $339

    I need help deciding on which HD. Most of the time I use the MB for web browsing. There is minimal storage required, as I mostly have word documents etc. Although, it would be nice to have extra storage, I most likely won't use it.

    Another question I would like to ask regards to OS and using an SSD. I really like Windows 7 too much. Plus my PC runs Windows 7 and I like them to be compatible. However, If I get an SSD with low space, I'd probably have to use one OS only, and I could get used to OSX if I have to.
    The problem is that OSX Leopard or SL does not support TRIM, so there's no way for me to clear out the junk in the SSD. Windows 7 supports this, but I'll have to install it using boot camp, and that would take up a considerable chunk of the SSD. I wonder if it is possible to install windows 7 on my MB without having to use Bootcamp? Is there a way to get the drivers required for the hardware on my MB, without bootcamp?

    Also, I seem to have lost my installation disc for OSX that came with my MB. Is there a way for me to download a copy from Apple?

    TLDR: I need a new HD for my MB. Is it possible for me to install Windows 7 on my MB without bootcamp? Is it possible to download a legit copy of OSX Leopard from Apple, since I lost the installation disc?

    Thank you for reading my post. All helpful suggestions are welcome and appreciated. :)

    Life And Love Of Trees. The Life amp; Love of Trees
  • The Life amp; Love of Trees

  • iJoe
    Feb 9, 01:53 PM
    Processor: bus speed I originally had this, but couldn't find it for every model. I'll try and add it.
    Memory: how many open slots I was considering doing another 'Upgrade Guide', but perhaps one great big one would be best...
    HD: speed of HD Something I got rid of purely because I couldn't find the speed of the Mac mini's (is it that bad? Again, I'll try...
    Optical: speed of Superdrive *adds to list*
    Display: external monitor spanning vs. mirroring Is this really needed, as you can usually hack it anyway.
    Price: US$ as well *cough*
    Ports: PowerBooks have a PC card slot; also maybe a separate category for audio to do list.
    Notes: maybe make a separate box for "Last Updated" good idea.

    ...enter the specs you want (i.e. combo drive, FW800, USB2, 128 MB Vram), and then it would give you the various machines that can be configured that way, with prices... I was planning on doing something similar eventually. Maybe the ability to turn columns or rows on and off.

    How about having a seperate BTO column, instead of cramming it in with the standard config? What are your thoughts on that?

    Life And Love Of Trees. The Life and Love of Trees
  • The Life and Love of Trees

  • Sky Blue
    Mar 22, 09:57 PM
    Developers can make a cheap buck by porting PS2 games to Wii or adding some waggle to a bunch of mini games.

    Fortunatly, IntSys are coming to deliver us from evil in a couple of weeks.

    Life And Love Of Trees. The Life amp; Love of Trees
  • The Life amp; Love of Trees

  • Doctor Q
    Aug 10, 04:12 PM
    Aladdin Systems, maker of StuffIt , one of the most-used Mac applications ever, changed its name to Allume Systems last month.

    The long-standing web site is now redirected to They still have the magic lamp logo and refer to themselves on the web and in e-mail as "Allume Systems (formerly Aladdin Systems)".

    They changed in order to settle legal disagreements with Aladdin Knowledge Systems ( ( or (, maker of dongles and other security products. I happen to use products of both companies, and I sometimes went to one web site when I meant the other. There was probably longstanding confusion between the companies (and maybe also with Aladdin Enterprises ( (, the original maker of Ghostscript).

    Aladdin Systems must have had little choice but to make this change, because they are sacrificing a huge amount of name recognition.

    I wonder why they picked "Allume" as their new name. And why not call themselves StuffIt after their most famous product, since they already have (

    Life And Love Of Trees. quotes about life and love and
  • quotes about life and love and

  • jenzjen
    Apr 17, 08:05 PM
    Not sure why you didn't just move along instead of posting a snide comment. I read the product review and saw a variety of answers. I came here to confirm them

    Just trying to show you a much more efficient method. You would have had your answer in less than 3 minutes plus I didn't say anything about the reviews, the product page itself clearly states product does not support audio.

    Life And Love Of Trees. LIVE A LIFE YOU LOVE AND YOU

  • bally555
    Apr 23, 01:52 PM
    This is what you are looking for. I took a screen shot from the page of the Air 2010's service manual.

    Life And Love Of Trees. Life without love is like a
  • Life without love is like a

  • cocky jeremy
    Apr 1, 10:57 PM
    Nope. Opera is dead in Lion too. :(

    Life And Love Of Trees. Tree Of Life I Love Trees
  • Tree Of Life I Love Trees

  • Doctor Q
    Jul 5, 12:47 PM
    More about it here (

    Smith Micro makes FAXstf X (fax software) and QuickLink Mobile (wireless connectivity software) and was interested in Allume because of their newly developed compression software.Allume recently announced the development of a JPEG compression technique that yields a 30 percent reduction in the size of images without any penalty on image quality, and the company expects to be able to apply a similar technique to MPEG video and MP3 audio files.

    Jun 20, 01:52 PM
    i would take the pink sock, how much will u sell individual socks for

    Jul 19, 05:26 PM
    macnut isn't gonna like this.;)

    May 17, 06:53 PM
    sounds intresting I would love having the free PSN game a month thing I'm really looking forward to E3

    Sep 29, 01:58 AM
    Anyone else notices that iWork will only update if the apps' are in Applications/iWork 06? That's poor design / very un-Apple: why can't I put my apps where I like?

    Apple even has a support doc mentioning this issue?

    Why not actually correct it?!?

    Oct 26, 08:20 AM
    Wonder if they'll have a line for preordered and a line for new buyers. But I guess the preordered are getting mailed? Anyone bringing a camera or video camera? You could post them on Flickr or YouTube. I thought about that but some people are weird about strangers taking their picture.

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