Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blake Lively Vogue 2010

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  • jusacruiser
    Apr 27, 12:55 AM
    When you took the screenshot, the shot screen loads in a new Preview window. Press CMD+A, then CMD+C to copy it.
    Or use the shortcuts listed here (

    Ok, thanks.

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  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 23, 05:45 AM
    ^ I'm in the dark about that as much as you.

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  • lynkynpark86
    Feb 7, 09:03 AM
    hi i have an ipod touch 4 JB on 4.1 i was just wondering that is there a way to put songs in to the ipod without connecting to itunes

    and also any app for bluetooth transfer

    Well, MewSeek is like limewire and, if you get the paid version, you can add songs to the ipod/music app. And Wifi sync lets you do just that, sync over wifi (but sadly not bluetooth)

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  • lokerd
    Apr 13, 01:31 AM
    4.3.1 didn't bring much but 4.3 brought improvements on AirPlay, safar, added home sharing options, iPad slider switch option, and added the hotspot feature.

    I am in the same boat...still on 4.2.1

    The slide switch is what has me itching to upgrade. But it has taken me a long time to get things back like I had it on 3.2 when I finally upped to 4.2.1.

    Hotspot may also be necessary if ATT continues to crack down on those os use Mify on 4.2.1. Is there any substance to the rumor that they can't really isolate those using MyFi on 4.3.1?

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  • alansmallen
    Oct 19, 08:18 AM
    I'll be there! Wanna meet up. How many people do you think are gonna show up?

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  • Richard14
    Apr 6, 07:32 AM
    Plug the external drive into your MacBook Pro, and open a finder window. The WD drive should show up in the left part of the finder window, under devices.

    Right-click on the drive, and click on "Get Info".

    In the Info window, part way down you'll see the format. For example:

    Format: MS-DOS (FAT32)
    Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    something else for NTFS...

    Remember, you can't reformat a drive (or a partition) without losing the files currently on that drive (partition). So, you MUST copy the files somewhere else, first.

    I have checked and it is NTFS format. There is too much memory to copy onto my mac before reformatting. So then where else can i copy them too? For safety I can copy to another external hard drive which is NTFS, but will i then be able to move the data on to the newly formatted drive? Or just the stuff from my mac? Thanks so much for your help again

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  • Abstract
    Feb 23, 04:54 PM
    Finish: To take pictures to the next level you have to do some post processing to make sure brightness, contrast, saturation and sharpness are all good. These images could all do with some work.

    I agree 100% with the above. I don't think your photos are bad at all. I think they're good. They just don't have the same "pop" to them as pro photographer photos, and this probably has more to do with post-processing than it does anything else.

    Admittedly, I don't do a lot of pp to my images either, and stick to what Lightroom 2.x can do for me. However, I still use it to touch up the contrast, play with the exposure and brightness, black level, and a few other things.

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  • kainjow
    Jul 23, 09:55 PM
    You are quite mistake, this second preview is near feature complete. It needs some polishing, but for the most part it's nearly ready to be shipped.

    It was quite buggy after using it today for a while. Crashing, beach balls, slow, lots of UI bugs, missing features, etc. No where near the quality of Xcode 3.

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  • jiminaus
    Apr 24, 07:51 AM
    Basically you are freeing memory you did not malloc/calloc.

    Actually there is a malloc, it's embedded in the memcpy.

    void *pointerGivenByInstanceFunction = memcpy(malloc(byteSizeOfElement),storage+i*byteSizeOfElement,byteSizeOfElement);

    EDIT: Sorry ignore that. It's the "read out values bis" loop that's the problem.

    Yes it's as robbieduncan says. In your one-line version, you're losing the pointer the copy of the double on the heap. Then later you try to pass the address of the copy on the stack to free, which rightly causes a crash.

    Basically you can't do this in one line. You could, though, cast directly to a double pointer and still free it, like so:

    double *pointerGivenByInstanceFunction = (double *)memcpy(malloc(byteSizeOfElement),storage+i*byteSizeOfElement,byteSizeOfElement);
    double returnElement = *pointerGivenByInstanceFunction;

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  • superknoppix
    May 4, 11:31 AM
    china doesn't need the iPhone, they can use their cheap little knockoff iphones... :p
    And why would you need wifi in a country without internet?

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  • roadbloc
    Dec 28, 05:57 AM
    I still have two left. I'm surprised more people aren't interested, Spotify is the single best music resource I have ever found.

    What is the benefit of getting an invite... I just went online and downloaded the client free....

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  • Kingsly
    Dec 18, 10:54 PM
    I am 99.975439% sure I'll be there!

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  • thunderclap
    Mar 14, 04:23 PM
    Well, iSwifter works it's just the frame rate is pretty low. Oh well...

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  • nicely
    Sep 8, 07:38 PM
    I wasn't expecting any...the ibooks and the powerbooks are the only expected update and they have rebates until the 25th...look for new laptops then...maybe the 26th

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  • zebell1
    Jun 13, 01:41 PM
    The way I look at it if people can sue Cigarette makers for getting sick of them, then we should be able to sue Microsoft for our Blood pressure raising everytime that we eXPeriance a crash

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  • Martyimac
    May 3, 11:14 AM
    After being down for nearly a day, it is STILL NOT available for download. I just don't like the fact that all iOS product being the slaves of iTunes. (Now it is available for windows and still not for mac, apple fix mac things first!).

    I never thought of iTunes, as the most essential software for all the iOS devices. I realized it, when I deleted iTunes due to sync issues and could not find a installable copy from or any where.

    Next time, download first, before deleting for re-install. :eek:

    That IS the lesson, download first. But this is also a first, I have never been not able to download something from Apple.

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  • sparkleytone
    Sep 17, 07:11 PM
    im getting pissed at sprint because their 3G plans suck total ass. they have not planned mac compatibility with ANY of their new phones, so they will soon be getting the axe from me. If apple doesnt come out with a new phone by mid2003, then I will by the Moto v600 which should be out by that time.

    Average clamshell size, 65k color screen, bluetooth, midi/mp3/jpg/png/etc support...word.

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  • mjwatt29
    Mar 25, 06:40 PM
    Not rude at all, and thanks for the quick responses! MacRumors Forums are really helpful.

    Thanks for the first reply, I checked the bootcamp format, which is indeed NTSF.

    I was able to get the winclone image to restore finally (not mounting the image in winclone seems to fix that), but...., when I try to restart in W7, I get a command screen saying that there are errors, which I tried to repair with the W7 installation disk to no avail. So, essentially, the restore seemed to work, but there is some type of issue with the image.

    I also should mention that the clone was from another macBook that I'm trying to install in my new MacBook Pro (i7 quad).

    I've attached the winclone log as a .txt file (it's rather long).

    Anymore thoughts?

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  • scem0
    Sep 28, 08:32 PM
    how so? I'm asking because I'm bored out of my wits, and I want to go dancing.

    Asking for everyone's favorite colors would get me no where.

    Sounds good njmac, thanks :).


    Nov 16, 03:01 PM
    ya, it's not the ad. looks like a formatting/html issue in certain browsers. we'll take a look


    May 3, 11:40 AM
    I have acquired an iMac g4 700 with only a cd drive. I would like to install Tiger via a retail DVD. Can I place the DVD in another machine and install via FireWire?
    Thx rob
    Sure can. I've done it a few times. Just boot the iMac G4 in Target Disk Mode and then install the OS onto its drive from another PowerPC Mac with a DVD drive.

    Sep 28, 09:41 AM
    Hi, I'm going to be ordering a 12" PB in the next couple of weeks, whether the much rumored revisions happen or not but in would be cool if they did. This will be my first Mac and I'm very excited but I have a couple of questions:

    1) What do you guys think of Bluetooth mice?
    In my experience with Apple's BT mouse, I have only noticed lag when I had my BT keyboard hook up as well. Macally's mouse got great reviews, so I would recommend you go for it.

    2) RAM - I'm going to max out the RAM (1.25g) so is there any advantage to the RAM Apple installs on built-to-order machines that makes it worth the $400 price tag or is this just the cost of convenience?
    Simply convenience bought a 1gig Corsair chip for my 1.5Ghz 12" powerbook and have had absolutely ZERO problems. Just make SURE it's guaranteed to work in your machine and you should be just fine.

    3) I'm going to be doing a lot of video editing work with this computer, I know it's not the ideal machine for it but it's what I can afford and it should do the job until I can buy something better.
    Any sort of laptop holder is fine. I have used the iCurve and am currently using the podiumpad (only real difference between them is height, the iCurve forces you to use an external keyboard) but besides that, you are going to be just fine. Fans wouldn't help much unless they were inside the case, but I have run Halo, the Doom 3 demo, Final Cut, InDesign, etc. without any problems. Yes, the internal fan does turn on and the powerbook gets warm, but never HOT.

    Mar 20, 03:03 AM
    I modded mine just recently with the Wiinja chip, and it was worth every penny (even if it was a gift). :)

    I'd be happy to answer any questions.

    Isn't that the mod that lets you play downloaded roms off the internet?

    Mar 19, 03:01 PM
    Has anyone here chipped their Wii's yet ?

    I'm thinking of getting mine chipped to save alot of money � and import my wii games from the USA.

    It will also mean I'm not waiting months for the pal version to arrive. (Still no trauma centre)

    I hoped Datel would have released a wii freeloader - but it's not looking likely according to folks over on the code-junkies forums.

    Has anyone experience of this - and whats the general consensus ? too early ? too unreliable ?

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