Saturday, May 21, 2011

Vintage Pin Up Photoshoot

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  • cocacolakid
    May 4, 03:03 PM
    Getting to the point, for video cards try they have forums dedicated to ppc and I'm sure they have all the different and best cards available for your g5.

    It's actually a group and not a typical forum, but it has hundreds of helpful members. Here's the link ( to a page about it, and the link ( to the actual google group.

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  • racedude
    May 1, 09:40 PM
    I have the Incase snap and I love it. The rubber/hard case material is enough to have a nice grip, and it won't slide, but I have no problems taking it out of a pocket. It's the same satin material as the Speck Satin cases for my MacBook Pro for example. I love how it doesn't cover too much of the phone, but leaves it protected. Would definitely recommend it, as it protects enough of the phone, but doesn't take away from the beauty of it.

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  • DannyNguyener
    Apr 26, 02:43 PM
    Thank you so much! Your the best!

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  • wngraham
    Oct 23, 03:40 PM
    I have 3 questions

    1. at the Tiger release did everyone get scratch off cards?

    2. ^^ Did everyone receive the 10% discount along with the scratch cards?

    3.If I were to buy an iMac that night with the 10% discount can i get that on top of my education discount?

    You can't combine discounts, i.e. the 10% card and the EDU. At least not when Tiger was released....

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  • cycocelica
    Mar 29, 04:44 PM
    I still have my N64 out. My roommates and I play Mario Kart and Super Smash all the time. Classic games.

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  • shivermetimbers
    Oct 3, 10:20 PM
    I bought AC/DC Bonfire at Fye....excellent condition and the price was good.

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  • CoachWade
    May 4, 03:26 PM
    Good day, everyone;

    I am a relative newcomer here to Macrumors. Although I've been a member here for a while, I rarely post. I think this might be my fifth post in four years or something like that, but this is pretty important so I thought I'd break radio silence.

    Recently I went looking for a new computer. I started looking at Macbooks, but the price made me decide to move outward, and I discovered a website called "Gainsaver" that showed macs and my other favorite computer: the IBM thinkpad.

    The full experience of what I went through with Gainsaver is documented here: .

    This is a six minute video I posted on Youtube about Gainsaver's business tactics. In short, after sending me the incorrect computer and slamming a phone in my ear when I had the audacity to be offended by their complete disinterest in fixing a problem they caused with their own negligence, I had to endure Steve Harper, the Gainsaver sales manager/owner (Although he denies this) calling me a "pain in the ass" and a "charlie horse" and telling me "I'm going to leave you on hold until you decide to email me for customer service." He also hung up on me more than a dozen times. At one point I sarcastically said, "We seem to keep getting cut off," and he said, "No, I'm hanging up on you, _sshole." Of course, that was punctuated with a click and a dial tone.

    Going beyond even THAT customer abuse, Harper searched me out on the internet (my web site is in my email signature) and discovered I am a football coach and teacher. In a burst of RANK INSANITY this man then searched further and found the contact information for my school. He then called my employer about a private transaction that had nothing to do with them in any way. (Harper was reported to the Durham police for harassment for that stunt.)

    Looking further, Gainsaver claims an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, but they have 294 complaints over the last three years-- that's a complaint every four days, by the way. The Better Business Bureau informs me that Gainsaver is currently under investigation for the number of complaints they are racking up. The reason the score is so high is because Harper knows how to work the system: only UNANSWERED complaints lower the score. Any time a customer complains, Harper can respond with "Gainsaver is looking into this" and the automated system registers this as a zero out for the complaint; the rating stays at an undeserved "A+".

    When Harper sees this post, he or one of his employees will respond claiming I called him and harassed him (I think a customer spending $560 has a legitimate right to call a business on the phone.) and that he has reported me for harassment to the Long Beach Police. (They have no record of the call or a complaint.) The insanity is that I kept calling because Harper and his people kept hanging up on me-- had they acted in any way to competently fix the problem I certainly wouldn't be here now writing this.

    He will claim my account is in collections (Gainsaver threatens collections immediately after a chargeback is received from a credit card company. And by the way, California law prevents sending a customer to collections until their account is more than 90 days in arrears). Harper uses this scare tactic more or less any time an aggravated customer disputes a credit card charge.

    Harper will claim I "called all the sales people at Gainsaver telling them to f__k off." (That's seriously what he wrote on the answer to complaint form he sent to the Attorney General's Office.) What actually happened is that after his employee hung up on me the second time, I called in a third time and said, "F you if you won't help me. You're getting the entire computer back." Dropping one f-bomb after you've been hung up on by a customer service 'professional' because you asked for an RMA number is hardly the profanity-laced diatribe Harper wants you to THINK I accosted him with. (Harper's claims don't explain where calling a customer a "pain in the ass" and a "charlie horse" fall on the profanity chart.)

    Harper will ALSO claim "recordings are on file." This is true. After he called my principal, I called him back to tell him if he called my place of business again I would file a harassment complaint. He replied, "Oh I want to record this! Say that again!" So I did. In other words, the ONLY recording this maniac has of me is an admonishment not to ever harass me at work over a private transaction again.

    Currently, Gainsaver does not appear to be licensed by Apple to sell or refurbish Apple products. I'm still waiting for a call back from Apple on that subject.

    Here's the bottom line: protect yourselves, folks. You don't have to take my word for what happened with Gainsaver. (I tell my students, "Don't trust NOBODY! Not even me.") Please make your own opinions after doing some necessary research.

    Please take the time to view my video about my experience with Gainsaver: . I would be very appreciative if you would comment, and link to it/like it on Facebook and Myspace as well, if you have accounts with those services. (As an educator, I do not.)

    Even if you don't bother with my video, and you don't have the time to read the reviews of Gainsaver here at the LA county BBB website , (the reviews paint a MUCH different story than the rating score), please protect yourself by deeply investigating every company you do business with on the web. I should have looked beyond the rating myself, and now I'm busily documenting Gainsaver to my credit card company instead of enjoying the computer I purchased through another vendor.

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at coach_wadeAThotmailDOTcom . Anyone who has been ripped off by Gainsaver and needs help building a case to get your money back from your credit card company or to bring to the Attorney General, please contact me as well. I have 54 pages of documentation about this company and their fraudulent tactics I can supply to you to support your case.

    Best wishes, everyone.


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  • Sesshi
    May 8, 01:02 AM
    Particular interest would be Intel OS X and Windows.

    Engineering, simulation, etc.

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  • Bongolo
    Apr 15, 04:56 AM
    Hi lokerd,

    can you or someone explain how to double tap to switch apps with Sbsettings? I cannot see this option!

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  • aross99
    Jan 14, 02:06 PM
    Can they PLEASE, PLEASE make it downloadable so I can watch it on my Apple TV?

    Everytime a keynote comes around, I end up poking around iTunes, etc, thinking there HAS to be a way to get this thing on my Apple TV, without some cheesy real-time stream capture program.

    How hard is it to post the H.264 file to iTunes?

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  • mox123
    May 4, 01:14 PM
    wait till next year for the MBP case redesign and the dramatic 3D transistor architecture of ivy bridge :D

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  • RedReplicant
    Apr 14, 02:07 PM
    Check the SMART data on the drive and do a short test:

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  • mad jew
    Nov 25, 04:18 PM
    Has anything happened for this yet?

    After reading threads like this (, I think we should maybe start a guide about equivalent apps, Windows to Mac.

    I don't know nearly enough about Wiki to start and don't have quite enough time to learn today. :o

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  • iMJustAGuy
    Feb 26, 10:52 AM
    Somehow, someway. It would take this site to a whole new level. One thing I don't like (in any forum) is having to scroll through a thread to see if someone replied to my post or search my username to do so. I wonder how difficult it would be to implement something like this.

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  • tombo
    Nov 16, 05:33 AM
    i second the jbl creatures, i have a set of the silver ones and the sound quality is really good.

    I also have a set of JBL Creatures, but I wouldn't say the sound quality is really good. They are very good for the price, and I do love them to bits but they don't cope very well at high volume (like, Maximum).
    They are fine for a bedroom, but I don't think they have enough 'in hand' to be loud in a large room. I am fussy, but I get some distortion when listening to them very loud. Great for gaming and mp3, but not for listening to classical music or hard-house up high.

    They look superb, though :)

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  • Shareen
    Apr 9, 03:19 PM
    i'd love to see more photos though it's not very appealing to me :rolleyes:

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  • Lacero
    Mar 30, 10:35 AM
    Just pointing out the cost/benefit ratio. In this case, way too money is spent protecting something that doesn't cost a lot. I see protection for shuffles as a waste of money.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Dec 14, 12:41 PM
    Seems it may be a hoax (, perpetrated by parties unknown?

    We at Chipotle respect all animals and would not joke about something like that

    Presumably that respect does not extend to the animals they grind up for their big burritos. :D

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  • sam12345-2008
    May 3, 08:53 AM
    So there's one program i need to run but its windows native.
    It's literally only a data input program but its been coded with the kind of work I do in mind.

    Anyway, after hearing how stable and easy to use/install windows is on a Mac with the assistants of boot camp I thought I'd give it a shot.
    How wrong I could be... Or maybe its just me?

    I partitioned using boot camp and went through the steps, inserted my XP disc and finished the installation off. On reboot it prompted to press any key to boot from disc, however none of the keys seemed to do work.
    At some point i was hoping to be prompted to put the Mac disc in, but never was.... So my only option was to restart holding the option key. I managed to get into OSX once, but now the option key doesn't do anything and I just bet a black screen with a flashing cursor.

    Any ideas???

    EDIT: I've managed to get back into OSX (My keyboard was paired to my iphone.... oops) So it's just a matter of getting Windows to actually boot now!

    EDIT: I

    Jan 4, 12:50 AM
    The screenshots are also too wide for a 1024 screen and a 80% width browser window.... :( Which is going to be a lot of PB and iBook users.

    But I don't understand this whole "ugly guide" thing...isn't just sending the PM and not moving the guide at all enough?

    Jul 9, 09:02 PM
    i was using my iBook (800, 32vram, 128mb ram-long story, don't ask...i really want 640mb but i can't put in any RAM) with OS X 10.2.6 on it when i opened up iChat AV and realized that i couldn't do audio chats. So i wondered what the ******* was going on and took a peek in System Preferences and found out that the iBook thought that there was no sound input or output device. That's weird...because earlier today with the same computer i was chatting with someone using the built in mic and listening to Evanescence using the speakers. Can anyone help?

    Nov 6, 02:19 PM
    I think people try to prevent multiple songs from the same artist showing up at once... but we then forget to go back...

    we'll get 'em in there...

    I'll talk to the other admins


    Jan 10, 08:50 PM
    ok, i've waitd long enough.
    is MWSF going to introduce any new products lik say a new iPod?
    I've been holding off on the purchase until after the MWSF, so is it ok to order it now without having it be outdated in two days?

    Sep 5, 04:16 AM
    very nice guide! thank you for posting :)

    we need more people like you helping out in the community!

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