Saturday, May 21, 2011

Congratulations Cards For New Baby

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  • celticpride678
    Apr 3, 12:35 AM
    The screenshots are a known issue. Use the developer build of Chrome in DP2.

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  • Hellhammer
    Apr 25, 08:23 AM
    I found this interesting:

    Notebook Owners
    Your one-year warranty includes replacement coverage for a defective battery. You can extend your replacement coverage for a defective battery to three years from the date of your notebook purchase with the AppleCare Protection Plan. However, the AppleCare Protection Plan for notebook computers does not cover batteries that have failed or are exhibiting diminished capacity except when the failure or diminished capacity is the result of a manufacturing defect. Apple offers a battery replacement service for MacBook Air and all MacBook Pro notebooks with built-in batteries. You can purchase replacement batteries for late models of Apple notebooks directly from the Apple Store.

    So what constitutes defective. Is there are criteria for measuring this that is disclosed or it it up to the repair tech?

    The way I view this is that it essentially means 99.99% of the time the battery is not covered.

    That article provides some insight. In general, it has to be clearly defective before Apple will replace it. For current Macs it is 1000 cycles until it should drop below 80% but of course, Apple won't replace it if it has 999 cycles and it is at 79%.

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  • kugino
    Jun 12, 04:58 PM
    yeah, i'm not sure what time i'll head to the mall...probably sometime around 6-ish. at&t store is closer to where i live, but come on, who wants to go to an at&t store?

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  • iTeen
    Jun 21, 09:08 PM
    Wait what now?

    Why can't you just buy it yourself?

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  • GroundLoop
    Feb 15, 05:44 PM
    Portishead: Live @ Roseland NYC

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  • ratzzo
    Apr 20, 08:41 PM
    I use a Apple Magic Mouse.. which is a laser mouse, and works fantastically (as youd expect) with Mac OS X.

    I can approve. But you should try it first, as you might not like touch mice (some people are too used to normal mice and, yeah..)

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  • John J Rambo
    Apr 7, 03:29 AM
    Hi, thanks for the responses guys. Below is my php script:


    /* subject and eamil variables */

    $emailSubject = 'hello!';
    $webMaster = '';

    /* Gathering Data Variables */

    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $message = $_POST['message'];

    $body = <<<EOD
    Name: $name <br>
    Email: $email <br>
    Message: $message <br>

    $headers = "From: $email\r\n";
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
    $success = mail($webMaster, $emailSubject, $body, $headers);

    /* Results rendered as HTML */

    $theResults = <<<EOD
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <title>Contact Form Complete</title>



    echo "$theResults";


    thanks again, this is driving me crazy...

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    Apr 26, 05:26 PM
    Is it possible to change the processor on the current Quad Core Mac Pro to the processor a 12-Core Mac Pro has. I mean, I will buy the processor from a website and install it on the Quad Core Mac Pro. Is that possible? Thank you for the responses in advance.

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  • Nermal
    Jul 11, 06:45 PM
    Where are you experiencing this problem? And what version of OS X are you running? I have 10.2.6 and tried this at the login screen and could only get in by typing my proper password.

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  • nomade
    Mar 11, 09:57 AM
    Oh I forgot to give credit for the javascript:
    <!-- Original: D. Keith Higgs ( -->
    <!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
    <!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->


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  • ECUpirate44
    May 5, 03:23 PM
    I was in the same position as you and I just got the 4. I really didn't feel like waiting until possibly Sept for the 5. As other have said, it will run iOS 5 and the 4 is still leaps and bounds ahead of many other phones.

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  • mileslong
    Mar 15, 03:33 PM
    i am finding that Safari 5.1 is almost unusable on Lion. It drops all internet connections and i have to use network preferences to reboot if you will just to get it use my wifi everytime.

    the bookmark bar doesn't work and on and on. im using chrome and its fast as heck on lion. too many bugs to use lion for everyday right now...

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  • scutts
    Apr 12, 12:31 PM
    CapsuleRebel, while looking awesome and offering great protection, is pain in the ass to take it off the phone. Just something you should know as you said it should be easy to remove. I don't have any experience with Trim/Vulcan but a TPU case is a TPU case. It will fit / protect and will be easy to remove.

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  • Learjet035
    Mar 11, 12:52 PM
    There is probably an easy way to do this but I can't seem to figure it out. I have Toast 6 installed on my non admin user. Do I have to re-install it on my admin user to use it there or can I somehow access it? I have music on my admin that I want to burn using Toast but didn't want to install again if I don't have to. Thanks!

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  • Congratulations New Baby

  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 21, 12:54 PM
    Hey guys, sorry if this question is asked often.

    I have an iPod Touch 4G that I had jailbroken on 4.2.1, but I messed with some system files that I shouldn't have messed with and I had to restore and update to 4.3. Is there anyway I can downgrade to 4.2.1 so I can jailbreak again?

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  • ReunionComputer
    Apr 14, 01:40 AM
    Dear All ,

    I have Macbook , come Dark on backlight , i change inverter but still same problem .

    and when fix inverter cable to the inverter the normal disply comes back once , like only plug and unplg , ineed to knwo the problem from logic borad , or from other think .

    Pls see this video , of this problem .

    any one can help me in this probelm .

    thank you

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  • bcaslis
    Apr 17, 06:07 PM
    This can be fixed by loosening the bottom screws (requires a special tool) and retightening in the right order. If everything else on it seems good then I would ask them to do this. If there are other problems than an exchange might be better.

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  • strausd
    Apr 23, 09:13 PM
    Sorry, but chances are thats not going to happen anytime soon. Next refresh probably won't be until late this year or early 2012.

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  • velocityg4
    Sep 2, 04:28 PM
    But most people check the email a few times a day.........let us know :)

    Not all though. I check my e-mail 2-3 times per month.

    Mar 13, 02:01 PM
    Who at age 15 gets asked to shoot video of hot chicks? Well done.

    I'm a total amateur and much older, but the advice above about the smoothness of the pans seems spot on. Watching the hot chicks video (the only one I watched) there was just so much motion it was almost dizzying.

    Le Big Mac
    Sep 19, 08:47 PM
    No, I called Apple and they said I can only buy at the store using a company check.

    Can you take the check to the company store and have them do a special/bto order, so you pay there but get it sent to you from the factory?

    Apr 5, 12:16 AM

    Apparently its real and coming soon enough, it will be interesting to see how RE4 plays on the Wii but it is a little bit disappointing to see yet another Cube port. Still for those who missed it on Cube and PS2 they are in for a hell of a ride and even the RE4 vets might like to give it yet another go :).

    Oh and this line really made me giggle:

    "The producers of the Wii version revealed to Famitsu that one of their goals is to allow families who play the Wii together to experience Resident Evil. The game will include "Easy" and "Amateur" difficulty settings, selectable from the start, that will make aiming easier and keep your life from depleting too fast."

    Putting an easy mode so the whole family can play? Isn't this an M-Rated game with tons of gore, horror and inappropriate content for minors and unappealing content for other family members? Heck, Nintendo might be taking the whole "family" thing (which I think is downright ridiculous) too far.

    Sorry I just realized this is already in another thread :o

    Sep 8, 07:42 PM
    I can wait til the 26th, but if I have to wait til January, they better have something mindblowing coming out.

    Dec 14, 01:57 PM
    I saw some at Office Depot a week ago or so for around $179 "on sale" all colors.

    Let your fingers do the walkin', call around to see if some stores still have unsold stock. That'd be my best guess.


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