Saturday, May 21, 2011

Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards

Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena Gomez Actress Selena
  • Selena Gomez Actress Selena

  • GGJstudios
    May 4, 12:05 AM
    Mac Virus/Malware Info (
    Introduction to Security Overview (

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Kids Choice Award for
  • Kids Choice Award for

  • eljanitor
    May 5, 12:45 AM
    That's better then the G4 you were looking at. Did you get the ALS ambient light senor model? or the standard? Either way it's priced right for a G5 with blue tooth and airport.

    The only advice that I have for these models is that you open it up carefully, and blow any dust or dirt (with an air can not a compressor!!!!)out of the heatsink and fans that may have accumulated over time.

    Look at the picture I attached to open the iMac G5. It's really simple. Just a note when the 3 case screws stop moving stop turning them, they do not come out, do not try to force them to come out. And don't touch the electronics inside with your bare hands unless you're properly grounded (

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena GOmez878.jpg. LOS
  • Selena GOmez878.jpg. LOS

  • chrono1081
    Mar 28, 03:33 PM
    Seriously! Hour and a half would be the most I could use, my time would be better spent on something else.

    But, as long as your sister is pleased with the shots, awesome! You should see if you can post some up here when she gets them!

    I'll be allowed to post. There were a ton of photo ops all over this place and the photog still didn't get to them all (even though he was working fast as were his assistants). It was a good time stalking them to see what shots they were getting. There were two shots I'd of loved to seen but I kept my mouth shut since its rude to harass the photog.

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. 2011 Kids Choice Awards red
  • 2011 Kids Choice Awards red

  • lasteve
    Jul 9, 05:43 PM
    Im thinking of getting there at 5am but im still not sure which one to go to. Is anybody else having this problem, we have about 4 in close proximity here(beverly center, Santa Monica, Grove, and century city).

    I've ruled out Century City because I think lines gonna be crazy there.

    If anybody is in line at any of these store can you gives us a heads up of how many people in line, thanks!

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena Gomez Nickelodeon#39;s
  • Selena Gomez Nickelodeon#39;s

  • eastercat
    May 5, 02:24 AM
    Google search for whichever ipsw you want. A number of websites post d/l links direct from apple's server.
    You still have to install through iTunes. Press option plus restore to open the dialog box.

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena Gomez Kids Choice
  • Selena Gomez Kids Choice

  • The Hamburger
    Mar 1, 09:02 PM
    Did you find a solution?

    I also have a PB 10.3.8 and experience exactly the same problem with MAIL.


    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. selena gomez 2011 kids choice
  • selena gomez 2011 kids choice

  • Love
    Dec 24, 06:15 PM
    My Mac Pro. Ohhh, baby.

    Oh, and food. And water.

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Kids#39; Choice Awards 2011
  • Kids#39; Choice Awards 2011

  • Multimedia
    Oct 23, 04:17 PM
    I'll be the guy with the HDV camera near the front of the line. :)

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena Gomez arrives at
  • Selena Gomez arrives at

  • md63
    Mar 16, 09:21 AM
    It works on my iPad 2. It shows the Netflix red screen on my iPad and then the stream on my TV with the audio coming from my TV. I don't have to do anything special aside from plug the cables in and we're good to go. I don't have any additional display apps on my iPad.

    Are you using the new HDMI adapter?

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Celebs like Selena Gomez and
  • Celebs like Selena Gomez and

  • Big Shisha
    Apr 12, 04:26 AM

    I would like to create a simple iphone app for my sports team, all it would need to include is:
    -twitter feed
    -youtube feed
    -rss news feed from the main site

    Am I right in thinking that the only software I need is xcode 4 and a developers license to get the app into the app store?

    I have some experience in coding, mainly HTML. From the screenshots of xcode 4, it looks similar to dreamweaver in that you can work in a GUI(add table by clicking on the table button) or by coding it.
    Is it that simple, or am I getting it wrong?

    Also, if I buy a developers license for a year, what happens after that year? Does the app stay in the store, but I cannot update it, or does it disappear from the app store?

    Apologies if these are stupid questions, I have looked for an answer, but have come up with nothing so far.

    Thanks in advance.

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Kids#39; Choice Awards
  • Kids#39; Choice Awards

  • dringkor
    Apr 25, 02:17 PM
    I have one and it works great. Video files (H.264/MOV) can be used in iTunes and iMovie, and you can Airplay them to your Apple TV 2 with excellent results.

    I don't know about the battery life. I don't seem to have to charge it very often.

    This could almost replace a "normal" camcorder but for two reasons:

    (1) No optical zoom

    (2) Poor low-light performance

    For me it's a good supplement to my normal camcorder.

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena Gomez to co-host
  • Selena Gomez to co-host

  • navigates
    Apr 29, 12:55 PM
    It�s been a very long time until any news in and around unlocks is out now. During 3g, 3gs, the unlocks were very quick. On the IP4, the wait was around the latest release of the 4.3. Now we are 4.3.1. I believe 4.3.1 has changed the baseband again to a new algorithm. I'm not sure if they will hang on for some time with the new algorithm or release the unlock.

    I just went for a short business trip and used data roaming which costs about 19.95 an MB. Trip was sudden and I didn't have the time to purchase the rebel or gevey.

    In my opinion it is wrong in AT&T's part to not genuinely unlock the iPhone when there are legitimate users satisfying the contract. In any case they have an early termination fee any ways.

    Instead of us pursing the dev team, we should start an online petition to enable AT&T unlocking the iPhone legally.

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena Gomez looked perfect as
  • Selena Gomez looked perfect as

  • madamimadam
    Oct 17, 01:08 AM
    Originally posted by ForumApple
    HELP!! My G4 CUBE450 has gone crazy recently!

    1. It turns on and off by itself all the time.

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena Gomez Kids#39; Choice
  • Selena Gomez Kids#39; Choice

  • AppleDroid
    Apr 10, 02:53 PM
    Nice! My background is in print but I've been getting more and more into motion/video editing and this was a great example of how far I have to go ha.

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena Gomez - Kids Choice
  • Selena Gomez - Kids Choice

  • asdad123
    Apr 3, 08:27 PM
    Its pretty easy to put on the SGP protectors. A word of advice is to do it in a bathroom after running a hot shower for a little until it steams up a bit. This will make sure there is as little dust as possible flying around.

    If you do get some dust under the screen, use two pieces of duck tape. Put one on the protector to lift it up and then the second piece to grab a hold of the dust. I just took two pieces of dust out from underneath my Ultra Optics SGP.

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena Gomez Kids Choice
  • Selena Gomez Kids Choice

  • mmccaskill
    Oct 21, 06:48 AM
    You missed the real story -- in the release notes Apple explain that they're deprecating the Apple maintained version of Java:

    Apple have provided a mechanism for installing 3rd party JDKs (in particular OpenJDK), but it likely won't work with current versions of Java IDEs (Netbeans, Eclipse etc) until they're updated to work with the new paths.

    I wonder if this is anything to do with Oralce?
    More importantly, is Java going to die on OS X? If OpenJDK or Soylatte don't pick it up then is all lost?

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena Gomez at Kids#39; Choice
  • Selena Gomez at Kids#39; Choice

  • Giuly
    Apr 11, 01:20 PM
    I have two internet connections here, one via GBit-Ethernet to my Mac Mini and a slower one connected to my WiFi router. I just bought a wireless printer, thus I need to connect the Mini to the WiFi to print.

    I think this is not explicitly specified, but which connection will be used to route to the internet? It would be unfortunate to use the WiFi, as it's about 5 times slower.

    Can I set the wired connection to be default for all connections, and route only the traffic that really has to go into the WiFi? All that comes to mind at the moment is removing the gateway/router address.

    Better ideas?

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Kids#39; Choice Awards 2011
  • Kids#39; Choice Awards 2011

  • treynolds
    Nov 16, 02:51 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Is the screenshot you posted an example of it being obtrusive?

    No, it's a shot of the ad itself. Obtrusive screen shot posted in other thread, but here it is again:

    Selena Gomez Kids Choice Awards. Selena Gomez at quot;Kids#39; Choice
  • Selena Gomez at quot;Kids#39; Choice

  • Surf Monkey
    Oct 21, 12:28 PM
    I have an LC 475 that's clock chipped to 33mhz. It's basically the 575 without the built in monitor. In my experience with the box, the last really stable and useful system to run on it was 7.6. I wouldn't put 8 on it.

    Now, having said that, I think the OPTIMAL system to run on a 475/575 is System 7.1.x. It's easily the fastest, most stable and most solid in terms of functional features for that hardware platform IMO. 7.6 is a great system, but I think it needs a little more juice than the 475/575 can offer.

    Apr 24, 10:12 AM
    Hi there,

    I am trying to transfer my mum and dads VHSC tapes to my mac to then edit and burn onto dvd. I have the camcorder still however the only outputs in the camera are edit, audio (white), RF DC OUT, and Video (yellow). I do also have the video adapter where you put the VHSC tapes into and play it in a VHS player. However the tv/video combo I have only has one scart and aerial output and is the vhs player I have. I do also have a mini DV camcorder with the DV output to firewire cable. Is there anyway I can hook any of these devices with another tv or straight to laptop without spending anymore money please, as I am a student and cant avoid anymore equipment. Any help and guidance appreciated, if you need anymore info please let me know.

    Amy :)

    Apr 22, 11:29 PM
    Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I've been lookin' around at all of the changes that may be made to the MBA this year, and was wondering if it will still start at around $999, and if not where will the price range start ? Thanks .

    Apr 5, 07:20 PM
    For what it's worth, I'll just throw in here that I too am waiting for a PM revision. (And have been, since the initial introduction, and then much more expectantly since MWSF).

    *runs around room screaming in frustration, leaving trail of hair behind*

    Macrumors is a cool site and the forums have a lot of cool people, but I think getting involved in the rumor mill has caused some serious stress...

    Yeah, you're not the only one who's been stressing. It's especially not good when you tell PC people that you live with "I'm gonna get a dual G5 real soon and it's gonna be BADA**"...maybe with different words but to that degree, and the powermac doesn't even come out. I'm getting quite frustrated. I just ignore "Magic Tuesdays" anymore.

    Aug 6, 10:26 AM
    That's really my point.

    The point could be more accurately said with something other than "this is Apple's Vista." If it was Apple's Vista, no one would be buying it.

    When any naysayer decides to call virtually every product Apple produces since Vista "Apple's Vista," then the metaphor has jumped the shark.

    But few Apple products in the last decade have had so many highly publicized issues as iPhone 4

    We're also talking about iOS4 on the iPhone 3G here, not the iPhone 4.

    Jan 12, 09:53 AM
    What is your opinion on Cisco and Apple's dispute?

    iDontcare about this dispute.

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