Saturday, May 21, 2011

Google Maps 2011

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  • Mal
    Feb 5, 11:22 AM
    Trust me, it's going to be much easier to just use MailChimp. They have a free option, as long as it's less that 2000 contacts and less than 12,000 emails per month. You just embed their signup form on your website, and you can compose the emails elsewhere and copy/paste, or use their forms. For someone that's not computer-savvy, it's really the best way by far, and since it's free, nothing to lose really.

    EDIT: If you want to see an example form, here's mine:


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  • mnkeybsness
    Nov 6, 09:08 PM
    if you can open them with another program like you said, you may want to resave and make backups NOW!

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  • Jovian9
    Sep 18, 11:45 AM
    I do not like this show one bit. I have tried watching it several times and have not laughed once.....and I am half-mexican and grew up around my dad's family so one would think that I might find at least part of this show funny. Sadly I agree that this is a Chappelle-show-rip-off......kind of like the Norm McDonald show is (or was....I've on ly seen it once).

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  • etherburn2000
    Feb 10, 11:08 PM
    how about the Sony external DVD burner, is it compatiable with the Mac ibook?

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  • Bond007
    Jun 29, 11:39 AM
    Yeah. under the iChat prefs. it says 'mic enabled'. I guess i'll have to try a self powered mic, because I know this mic i have works, i tried it out on my roommates PC.:confused:

    Another quick question, does anyone know if any USB camera (for net chat) will work with the Powermac? Or do i need something special for that as well>?:confused:


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  • dnmx
    Jan 12, 06:03 AM
    Is there a benefit to having fonts activated and deactivated on the fly?

    yeah, so you don't have to put the fonts you want to use in user/library/fonts by hand, like citizenzen and you recommended.

    but i agree, what citizenzen added, that there's more important stuff to take care of than solely choosing the typeface. but for organisazion, overview and samples the fontexplorer comes in handy.
    at least it does for my work.

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  • AmTechFox
    Nov 14, 04:04 AM
    iTunes Connect to Shutter Over Christmas, Apparently Still Open Over Thanksgiving

    I believe you mean: to shut, not shutter? :D

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  • lokerd
    Apr 13, 01:31 AM
    4.3.1 didn't bring much but 4.3 brought improvements on AirPlay, safar, added home sharing options, iPad slider switch option, and added the hotspot feature.

    I am in the same boat...still on 4.2.1

    The slide switch is what has me itching to upgrade. But it has taken me a long time to get things back like I had it on 3.2 when I finally upped to 4.2.1.

    Hotspot may also be necessary if ATT continues to crack down on those os use Mify on 4.2.1. Is there any substance to the rumor that they can't really isolate those using MyFi on 4.3.1?

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  • Johnf1285
    Feb 14, 10:34 AM
    having owned every mac mini from 1.66 c2d to a 2010 2.66ghz .

    you need to upgrade if :

    1)you game a lot.
    2) If you want dual screens of 1080 p
    3) if you are a handbrake freak
    4) if you want a 27 inch hi end led screen with 2500 by 1400 resolution

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  • sammich
    Apr 2, 08:53 AM
    When Leopard was released, the minimum requirement was a machine with a 867 MHz G4 or better. The installer blocked it from installing on a machine that was lower. However, with a little bit of work, you could install it (with some caveats, depending on the machine).

    So it's entirely possible that someone will release a hack that will allow Lion to run on unsupported machines.

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  • Hellhammer
    Apr 13, 09:09 AM
    Apple's update pattern on displays has been more or less infrequent lately. Just buy now, there is absolutely no idea about the next gen ACD.

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  • AlaskaMoose
    Mar 5, 12:48 AM
    I am too new at CS5 to be of much help, but I wonder if this would be of any help to you (?):

    a. Take a good quality RAW photo of the picture, and open this RAW image in Camera Raw as a Smart Object. See if you can adjust the area that is too light (left of the photo).

    b. Now, double-click on the image shown in the Layers panel, which in turn will open a layer of the image in Camera Raw. Now adjust the dark side of the image, and then click on "Done." The result is two layers blended into one.

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  • superbovine
    Oct 24, 11:05 AM
    What is a good app for a newbie to create a webpage? I want something simple and easy, free would be a plus. I also have a simple knowledge of html.

    technical speaking vi from the terminal; which means open up terminal and typing "vi" is the hardest app to work with. however, if you can learn vi which has a fairly high learning curve and be able to create webpages it will assure you that you can use any html editor of your choice without any problems. the down side vi is quite confusing if you never used before. the up side is your'll be able to use any *nix flavored server and be able to create a webpage without the aid of the special software because vi is installed on ever unix severs. however, if you don't need the functionality go with bbedit or subthaedit.

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  • mox123
    May 4, 01:14 PM
    wait till next year for the MBP case redesign and the dramatic 3D transistor architecture of ivy bridge :D

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  • iMikeT
    Mar 7, 01:17 PM
    Does this work only for YouTube videos or can it be used with other video sources?

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  • mdetry
    Oct 16, 10:17 AM
    I am planning to Switch (upgrade) from PC to Mac but I still need to run some PC programs.

    The only thing I hear about Virtual PC is that it�s terrible slow.

    I am planning to put 2 Gigas of ram on my new Imac 20".

    1 giga dedicated to the Virtual PC.

    Does anybody has an experience if by doing this I should see a lot of performace Gain on Virtual PC?

    I�am not planning to run games just normal applications (some design an graphics) but I need to run them on PC envieroment to ensure compatibility.

    Thanks in advance for advice.

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  • jefhatfield
    Jan 28, 01:22 PM
    at the very least, if you were not a mod, you would be a G3

    ...and maybe even higher guess is that 604e at the very highest reasonable level is at 15,000, and G3 at 20,000 but i would assume much lower for those levels and maybe G4 is at 20,000

    ...and G5 at 50,000 or 100,000 since it would be no fun for someone to reach that and have nothing to loook forward to

    it could be that G5 is set at a million to make it unattainable:p

    note: maybe arn has not decided yet what to give people beyond a 601 and there is no set level for the next level

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  • waterskier2007
    Jun 24, 01:19 PM
    hey i had said i wanted those but its fine, u can sell them to the other guy

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  • Hrududu
    Apr 14, 12:10 PM
    Yours look fine. I've replaced caps on about 12 iMac G5 systems and they are usually VERY obvious when they go bad. By that I mean electrolyte spewing out of the tops. Out of those 12, 9 of them worked again after replacing the caps, so if that does happen your odds are pretty good that it can be fixed.

    Apr 16, 08:58 AM
    I don't know how accurate this is, I'm not saying that its upscaling the DVDs but I am getting 1080p thru component. My TV will show me the resolution at the press of a button and when it changes. The Xbox is 1080p and when I place a DVD in the drive and play it, it does not (any longer) change down to 480p.

    Could be changed. There was a Dashboard update that changed what resolutions were available with VGA cables, so they may have changed it. That said, the issue at hand is the DVD Consortium's rules on upscaling. They typically don't allow it over component... most upscaling players HAVE to use HDMI. It's a stupid rule, seeing as you can rip DVDs with complete impunity and then software scale them to any resolution you want (and they MUST know that), and it doesn't effect anything, but that's the general rule.

    MS may have a special deal with them though, so who knows.

    Apr 28, 06:47 AM
    Strange. SL works on all my stuff without ever crashing, including my Hackintosh.
    Me too, it works on my hackintosh. Yet with that said, I'd say that SL was not one of apple's greatest OS upates. I did have more issues initially with this then prior versions and had to hold off longer because of those problems then other versions of OSX.

    While its been clearly documented that apple did a lot of under the hood type stuff. SL offered very little for the consumer. i think apple knew this when thy priced it much less then prior versions. 25 bucks vs. 125.

    Apr 19, 10:19 AM

    Aug 27, 02:17 AM
    Love the second one. I can imagine it being made of similar material to a flag; is that true?

    Jun 16, 12:06 AM
    I always wanted to make a website, now more specifically I want to make one devoted to Apple, good for you for getting in the big stuff! :)

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