Friday, May 20, 2011

Dragon Ball Map

Dragon Ball Map. dragon ball gt baby goku,
  • dragon ball gt baby goku,

  • rossagrant
    Apr 20, 03:33 PM
    Hi guys,
    Pulling my hair out with this one as I'm one of those types that wants a fix and not a workaround.

    A couple of days ago I put my Mac Pro to sleep before I got into bed as I usually do.

    I was just drifting off to sleep and the thing decided to wake up on it's own. I put it back to sleep and I thought nothing of it until about 30 mins later it did it again.

    Now I reset the PRAM, reset the SMC, trashed the powermanagement.plist and this didn't have an affect.

    I then thought actually, why not do a fresh install of Snow Leopard as it's been running for sometime now and I had a lot of software installed I didn't use so I thought why not.

    It's STILL doing the same thing.

    Now the log says:

    20/04/2011 15:40:21 kernel en0 Link down
    20/04/2011 15:40:21 kernel en1 Link down
    20/04/2011 15:40:22 kernel System Sleep
    20/04/2011 15:40:22 kernel Wake reason = UHC6
    20/04/2011 15:40:22 configd[13] network configuration changed.
    20/04/2011 18:11:34 Spotify[568] Reachability Flag Status: -R tc----- networkStatusForFlags
    20/04/2011 18:11:34 Spotify[568] Reachability Flag Status: -R tc----- networkStatusForFlags
    20/04/2011 18:11:34 kernel System Wake
    20/04/2011 18:11:34 kernel Previous Sleep Cause: 5
    20/04/2011 18:11:34 kernel The USB device BRCM2046 Hub (Port 1 of Hub at 0x5a000000) may have caused a wake by issuing a remote wakeup (2)
    20/04/2011 18:11:34 kernel The USB device Bluetooth USB Host Controller (Port 1 of Hub at 0x5a100000) may have caused a wake by issuing a remote wakeup (3)
    20/04/2011 18:11:34 kernel EIR is supported.
    20/04/2011 18:11:34 kernel SSP is supported.
    20/04/2011 18:11:37 kernel Ethernet [Intel82574L]: Link up on en1, 1-Gigabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,af48,0de1,0200,cde1,3c00]
    20/04/2011 18:11:39 ntpd[42] bind() fd 25, family 30, port 123, scope 5, addr fe80::ea06:88ff:fecc:3b61, in6_is_addr_multicast=0 flags=0x11 fails: Can't assign requested address
    20/04/2011 18:11:39 ntpd[42] unable to create socket on en1 (13) for fe80::ea06:88ff:fecc:3b61#123
    20/04/2011 18:11:40 kernel en0 Link down

    So I am presuming it's a bluetooth device, which is either my magic mouse or my apple wireless keyboard causing the issue.

    Could it be a dodgy bluetooth card though?

    It hasn't had this problem ever before so I was also thinking it's maybe due to the recent 10.6.7 update which I read caused some trouble with bluetooth devices on some other macs.

    It's just really bizarre.

    I can turn off the 'allow bluetooth devices to wake this computer' and see if that helps but I have NEVER had to change this default setting before which would suggest some other conflict, a faulty mouse or keyboard or a faulty bluetooth card.

    I don't want to just fix the symptom if the underlying problem is faulty hardware as I would rather have the offending article swapped out whilst I still have applecare.

    Has anyone else experienced this lately???

    Really appreciate you reading this so thanks!

    Ross :)


  • SLCentral
    Mar 13, 12:56 PM
    Hey guys,

    I'm desperate for help here. For the past two days or so, my Dock has been freezing up, and giving me the beachball if I moved my mouse over it, as well as making the enitre system so slow, to the point where it is almost unusable. Expose also stops working. Force quitting everything and relaunching the Finder doesn't help the situation either. The only icons I have on my dock are the Finder, Safari, Adium, Pages, and Maya.

    Here's where it gets really weird. Today, I decided to do a clean install of OS X, and I formatted it, and reinstalled it. Yet, the problem is still happening! It doesn't make sense. It tends to happen while Safari and Adium are open, but that isn't saying much becuase those programs are open 24/7 on my system.

    So, today it happened (actually, about 15 minutes ago), so I decided to check out the Activity Monitor. Since the dock wasn't working, I opened it through finder, and the dock icon did not appear on the dock. The program opened anyways, though. The Dock was using between 60% and 90% of my CPU, but a normal amount of RAM. Quitting or Force Quitting the dock would remove it from the list for a second, but then it would come back, with the same amount of CPU usage.

    I'm completely lost. It's not just 10.3.8 because on my newly formatted system, it hasn't finished downloading yet (it's still downloading other Updates). Once the dock starts acting up, about 30 minutes to an hour into the session, the computer is helpless. Expose stops working, and the computer becomes dead slow. The dock is not functional either, and sometimes disappers entirely, and I have to use the Applications folder in the Finder to switch between programs. Alt + Tab doesn't work either.

    Let me clarify a few things. No new RAM has been installed recently, although when I got the system back in September (It's a 1.6GHz iMac G5), l added 512MB on the same day. Only programs installed after the format are:

    GMail Status (tried closing, with no help)
    WeatherPop (tried closing, with no help)
    Maya 6.5
    iLife '04
    Adobe Photoshop CS
    Limwire Pro

    I'm completely stumped as to what could be going on. I'm sorry for the long post, but I didn't want to miss anything.

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Dragon Ball Map. oceans, dragon ball gt
  • oceans, dragon ball gt

  • dmr727
    Apr 12, 08:45 PM
    ^^^ I used to have that phone when I was kid. :)

    Sweet machines, man. And I'm glad to see System 6 installed on a least one of them - I'm a big believer of running 6 if the machine supports it.

    Dragon Ball Map. Dragon ball z
  • Dragon ball z

  • SimonGarlick
    Jan 11, 10:48 AM
    Thanks for all the responses. I've heard good things about Linotypes Font Explorer, so I might have a look at that for my system, as Suitcase is becoming a pain to use!

    Dragon Ball Map. Dragon Ball Z Goku Super
  • Dragon Ball Z Goku Super

  • GGJstudios
    May 6, 03:34 PM
    One alternative is to use the Cropmark LMP Bluetooth Keypad (

    Dragon Ball Map. dragon ball wallpaper.
  • dragon ball wallpaper.

  • arn
    Oct 31, 02:52 AM
    Hmm... sorting Jetson's seems to work for me.

    Is it still not working for you?


    Dragon Ball Map. Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of
  • Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of

  • Outsider
    May 1, 12:29 PM
    Log into another fresh account. Make sure it works there. Then delete your actual account's finder preferences. That should do it.

    Dragon Ball Map. Dragonball Online: Complete
  • Dragonball Online: Complete

  • onewiseman
    Jan 15, 10:11 PM
    Can somebody please link to the keynote stream or the MacRumors page from this thread?

    I've been avoiding sites all day and I didn't get an email.

    Dragon Ball Map. Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru
  • Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru

  • zimv20
    Jul 7, 11:56 PM
    and then i found the answer myself here (

    Dragon Ball Map. Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru
  • Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru

  • Liquorpuki
    Feb 10, 11:07 AM
    My thoughts exactly, I could see him dying from infection, but not in 2 hours.... There must be more to this.

    Probably severed the main artery in the calf and he bled out over 2 hours. If your femoral artery gets cut you could bleed out in minutes (ever see Black Hawk Down?). The arteries below the kneecap carry less volume so 2 hours sounds plausible.

    Dragon Ball Map. Dragon Ball character map
  • Dragon Ball character map

  • Germwise
    May 2, 11:17 PM
    well I ordered through owc because its an amazon store giving me an extra 5% off with my credit card.

    at 279 drive plus optibay, it was pretty close to getting an intel drive (230) + optibay for $40

    Will I see any difference on a 6gbs drive? its another 60 bucks, not sure if its really worth it to boot up 1second faster. i don't do video editing of really intensive things. I just want fast program launch and fast booting and fast access to my day to day data.

    Dragon Ball Map. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai
  • Dragon Ball Z: Budokai

  • Merlyn3D
    Oct 23, 07:34 PM
    I'll be the guy with the HDV camera near the front of the line. :)

    My buddy and I are gonna try to duck out of work early to be there.....I figure that's the place to be....that's Apple's bread-and-butter store.

    Dragon Ball Map. map historia dragon ball
  • map historia dragon ball

  • ulbador
    Apr 6, 09:08 PM
    Somebody out there on a game specific programming forum should be able to answer this.

    Google tells me Space Invaders came out in 1978, which means there are probably many many people who have done this over the years. While off the top of my head, I can think of a handful (and probably a bit hacky) ways of doing this, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a fairly quick and simple method of accomplishing this.

    As you are using Cocos2d, probably the easiest way in my brain would be to just detect where your "bullet" sprite hits your barrier sprite. Then, using the bitmasking mentioned above, you would replace the collided/destroyed piece of your barrier with the background.


    Found something that outlines this:

    Dragon Ball Map. MAP:
  • MAP:

  • master-ceo
    Mar 13, 06:20 AM
    I wonder if they fixed this issue in iPad 2? Has anyone tried higher power devices with the USB adapter yet?

    It's still f&$@!? Up on the iPad 2. The reason why I keep my iPad 1 on iOS 3.2

    Dragon Ball Map. dragon ball z color page
  • dragon ball z color page

  • gentleman00
    Jun 22, 01:56 PM
    Does it make a difference where I purchase my iPhone 4?:confused:

    Dragon Ball Map. ZEQ2-lite zeq2 dragonball goku
  • ZEQ2-lite zeq2 dragonball goku

  • iHerzeleid
    Jun 20, 07:18 PM
    WTS: MacBook Pro Core Duo/1.83Ghz/2 GB/120GB

    Comes with some dents as you can see in the pics.

    applecare is up march 26 2009.

    only problem is that the battery has gone through a boatload of charges. it only lasts one hour.


    Dragon Ball Map. dragon ball z episodes
  • dragon ball z episodes

  • ahunter3
    Dec 9, 05:16 PM
    who still uses OS9 and for what??:confused:

    � I will be booting into it this weekend to import records from a 17-file FileMaker 6 solution into intermediate files (which have both the old and the new table structure) and then into the final structure. The speed boost over OS X is somewhere between threefold and fourfold for the involved functions.

    � I boot into 9 to scan. I have two scanners, both decently good, neither with OS X drivers available. The Umax Astra slide scanner was noted as having very good color values for the price, and the price was low due in part to lack of OS X drivers. The old flatbed, a Umax 630, is a 3-pass SCSI scanner that will probably still be humming along nicely when MacOS 10.9 is becoming obsolete.

    � I have my older computer off to my left here as I type on this one. I Timbuktu into the older one to handle a chore that it does better (under MacOS 8.6, mind you, not even 9) than OS X does on the fastest machines in the shop: opening up folders on a mounted server folder that are chock-full of huge TIFF and Photoshop images, and copying selected files to a folder from a different mounted server volume also chock-full of huge TIFF and Photoshop images. OS X thinks its doing me a favor by trying to conjure up and display a thumbnail of each image based on actual file content. OS 9 doesn't do that (only displays the little classic-mac custom icons generated by Photoshop, if present), enabling an eleven-year-old PowerMac 7100 with a 300 MHz G3 accelerator and 10-base-T networking to do this task as well as dual-G5 Macs with gigabit ethernet...and blow my OS X PowerBook completely out of the water.

    Don't knock OS 9. It certainly had its shortcomings (especially with regards to memory, oy vey) but it also had a great deal of sophistication �€�? lots of little things that had started off great or evolved to greatness. It was the best all-around small computer operating system of the 20th Century. I'd still use it over XP, or the first few iterations of OS X.

    Dragon Ball Map. to his Dragon Ball Online
  • to his Dragon Ball Online

  • chrismacguy
    Apr 25, 11:22 AM
    Thing is, SandyBridge comes with slightly worse graphics. Would worse graphics affect music-creating software? I heard Garageband is GPU-intensive. Not so sure about Logic Pro.

    Neither is what I would call GPU-intensive. As a matter of fact GarageBand '11 runs perfectly happilly on my iMac 1.83 Core Duo with a ATI X1600, and my MacBook White with a Intel X3100 - neither of which is remotely powerful compared to the GPU in my 11" Air. The situation is the same with Logic Pro, however the big downside with an Air is the lack of FireWire. If it fits in your workflow then a MBA w 4/8GB RAM should handle GarageBand/Logic Express/Logic Pro just fine (Heck my low-end 11"/1.4/2GB MBA handles Final Cut Pro for basic editing and even Motion 4 at a pinch, so Graphics definitely shouldn't be an issue).

    Dragon Ball Map. Dragon Ball - 530x945 - 59KB
  • Dragon Ball - 530x945 - 59KB

  • neocell
    Sep 20, 02:38 AM
    Well crap. Is Hitler back from the dead or something?


    Bad joke. I'm tired. Night-night.
    This is a good night for random outbursts of laughter. Now that I have spittle all over my PB's screen from this one I can try WillMak's ( cleansing solution. :D

    Apr 18, 02:00 PM
    I find a p&s is invaluable in a theme park with kids. You really don't have time to mess with settings and the last thing you want to do is worry about your camera. I have a zs3 (tz-7?) and find the long zoom and wide angle perfect for all kinds of shots. The one-touch video button helps too because there is often some action you want to catch. Versatility is key for me in that kind of situation.

    May 5, 09:21 PM
    It's in Tokyo:

    Image (

    Click for my blog.


    Sep 18, 02:11 PM
    its called the trash can! ;)

    I would, but I'm sure someone would like them. The trash would be just a waste. I want to find some used cds too.

    Mar 4, 06:23 PM
    Concerned about my adoptive dad's memory loss, I started folding in 2002. I know that it won't help him but it might help the suffering of those who are caretakers and sufferers in the future.

    We know so little about biology, so if this little bit helps, all the better.

    Mar 1, 11:51 AM
    I figured here would be the most appropriate thread to post my 2,000th post. :)

    And there was much rejoicing. *Yaaaaay...*

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