Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lauren Conrad Casual

Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • sidgriffey
    Mar 16, 12:37 PM
    OK, so to recap:

    I can leave my SSD as is (that is, I can continue to choose to boot from that and have it run Snow Leopard).

    I can installed Lion on the Hard Disk and choose to boot from that if I want.

    Question: If my home folder is stored on the Hard Disk for when I run Snow Leopard with the SSD, how do I prevent home folder complications when I install Lion on the Hard Disk? Don't want it to mess up the snow leopard experience.

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Dreadnought
    Jan 17, 02:47 PM
    I would say about 350 points per day extra.

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • SurfAddict
    Feb 20, 10:55 AM
    Well I agree with the original review completely this thing is just awesome and i have had absolutely no problems (sometimes its slow to wake from sleep but thats OS X). It's not to heavy to carry long distances in my opinion but I am a football player so I do alot of weightlifting. As far as the trackpad goes its fine not slow at all. Oh and by the way the couple times I have taken this thing out in public I havent felt akward just a little envied :p . Seriously though you will have people coming up to you asking about it all the time, they all assume its a sony vaio until I shoot that idea down a quick lid close and they know it's apple all the way :D

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • Battlestar
    May 16, 05:49 PM
    Do you get a Certificate of Authenticity with it?

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • kainjow
    Jul 23, 09:55 PM
    You are quite mistake, this second preview is near feature complete. It needs some polishing, but for the most part it's nearly ready to be shipped.

    It was quite buggy after using it today for a while. Crashing, beach balls, slow, lots of UI bugs, missing features, etc. No where near the quality of Xcode 3.

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • fun173
    May 19, 05:45 PM
    i just kicked myself.........

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • rtheb
    Apr 26, 05:06 PM
    Did you remove it from the original paired computer?

    If you did try shutting down the original paired computer and then try to pair with the new computer it should work.

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • Laird Knox
    Mar 11, 01:20 PM
    It has been a while since I have played with PHP and SQL. Does using a query string like that open you up to any vulnerabilities? Offhand I'm thinking no because it is run on the server side and the user doesn't have any control over the input in this case.

    The code itself is pretty straight forward. Two things to note:

    You are pulling everything from the photo_atelier table and then building an array with five elements. If the table contains 100 photos that's a lot of extra data that you are just dropping on the ground.

    Also you are pulling every column from that table and only using the name of the photo. You can change the select statement to:

    'SELECT photo FROM photo_atelier' to just pull the information you are using.

    On a personal note, I find the rotation to be too fast. You also might want to consider adding a pause to the rotation when the mouse is hovering over the image.

    Overall I like the design of the site. You have a few CSS issues to work out but it is looking good.

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • cjc343
    Nov 7, 07:30 PM
    I'm guessing it is something with no-ip then, what happens if you try to access the pictures via the IP address and port (if you are using no-ip to forward to a port other than port 80)?

    The problem still persists when I use the IP address... good thinking though, I was hoping beyond hope that you'd be right...

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_10%
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    Apr 19, 03:31 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Ok but would it run games like team fortress, battlefield, arma or would it be poor quality.

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Project Guru
    Feb 22, 07:46 AM
    So would it be accurate to say that if the CD-ROM was authored with Flash as an executable then it would be harder to extract individual assets (i.e., videos, images & PDFs)? But then again, what would prevent the infringer from just copying over the whole disc? Right?

    Thanks to all for your replies. You guys are awesome! You have helped clear things up in my mind.


    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • blueraja
    Jan 14, 09:46 AM
    I picked up an iPad because I had to support it for a client that picked up 20 of them. The company paid for it so I didnt mind but figured I would noodle around with it enough to learn the interface and then it would collect dust. The more I used it, the more I liked it and as I worked on the project for the client to replace their notebooks for travel, I found I was mostly able to replace mine as well. Now I carry it everywhere. After my wife got ahold of it and starting playing around she wanted one now I have 2 of them. Unless there is a huge speed bump with the next version I cant see myself "upgrading" immediately though, the nasal cam just holds no interest for me and it looks like the resolution is going to be the same. My guess is that like my macbook and imac I will likely be on an every 2nd or 3rd generation upgrade cycle. I do have kids wanting ipads now too though, so who knows maybe ill upgrade next time around and use the excuse of more memory (I have a 32gb now but would love to have a 64gb) and pass mine on to the kids.

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • Toppa G's
    Feb 25, 08:59 AM
    I wonder if you shouldn't modify the letter "a" so that it is more like "a" rather than "a". Otherwise, the style of the logotype almost makes it look like a sloppily written "u".

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Doctor Q
    Aug 10, 04:12 PM
    Aladdin Systems, maker of StuffIt , one of the most-used Mac applications ever, changed its name to Allume Systems last month.

    The long-standing web site is now redirected to They still have the magic lamp logo and refer to themselves on the web and in e-mail as "Allume Systems (formerly Aladdin Systems)".

    They changed in order to settle legal disagreements with Aladdin Knowledge Systems ( ( or (, maker of dongles and other security products. I happen to use products of both companies, and I sometimes went to one web site when I meant the other. There was probably longstanding confusion between the companies (and maybe also with Aladdin Enterprises ( (, the original maker of Ghostscript).

    Aladdin Systems must have had little choice but to make this change, because they are sacrificing a huge amount of name recognition.

    I wonder why they picked "Allume" as their new name. And why not call themselves StuffIt after their most famous product, since they already have (

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • JackAxe
    Apr 8, 07:00 PM
    When the Wii first came out, Nintendo shipped the bulk to the US, since it's the single most important market when it comes to gaming, but the Wii would sell out with in a few hours of it being stocked.

    There's been a huge demand for the Wii and Nintendo is currently filling the demand of other regions, so they haven't been able to ship as many to the US.

    Anyway, check stores like Target or Best Buy on a Sunday morning. They generally get the biggest shipment of Wiis.


    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • r.j.s
    Feb 20, 06:49 PM
    Do not start threads to solicit for donations - regardless of the cause.

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • JSRockit
    Sep 8, 09:51 PM
    I've been waiting for a change to the iBook line-up for a few months, which I know is kind of too soon...but the addition of a 12" DVD model isn't what I was waiting for... I guess it is cool for people to have options, but I was hoping for some better specs.

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • altecXP
    Apr 30, 11:53 AM
    No problem here, but I'll keep an eye on it.

    Lauren Conrad Casual. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • 840quadra
    Sep 13, 12:55 AM
    There are only two diesels currently offered in the US: the MB e350 and VW Jetta. However, neither are availible for purchase in several states, including California, and New York.

    However, the regs allow ownership of these diesels within those states if the purchaser runs through severael hoops. Is anyone familiar with the process for purchasing the car out of state and importing back to the state with the prohibition? It involves driving the car for several thousand miles for a minimum number of months before registering in the home state. I'm most interested in California.

    VW Touareg
    VW New Beetle
    VW Passat (Soon the New model)
    and the VW Jetta.

    There are many more on the way, including from sister company Audi.

    What needs to happen for California and other states like it to allow them, is the us to switch to Low Sulfur diesel which ends up producing less hydrocarbons, and other emissions.

    With Low Sulfur, we will also have MANY more options for Diesel vehicles, as Mercedes, BMW, Audi, VW, Saab, Volvo, and other European car companies have great Diesel engines, they just don't want to invest in making them work with the High Sulfur diesel .

    I am not familiar with the process in question, but I am looking to do something similar, however involving importing a car from Germany that wasn't completely legal in the US.


    Aug 4, 08:11 AM
    I didn't see any lights last night. *aww shucks*

    May 4, 01:54 PM
    Well, I don't know about the calendar syncing, but the best Verizon feature phone is the LG enV3.

    Unfortunately there does not seem to be a good way to sync most LG phones with a mac computer. The only thing I have come across is Bit Pim and its reviews are pretty spotty.

    Mar 13, 11:45 AM
    Are you using this:

    I was using this guide: ...but i just came across this guide that i may try out today:

    Dec 11, 08:17 PM
    I've had over 25 successful transactions with AppleComponents so let's add them to the hall of fame.

    Apr 14, 02:37 PM
    I have iphone 4 white and my front is little bit yellowish or lemonish compared to back plate.

    Do they still make it this way or did they correct it and it matches the white rim of backplate(real white color)?

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