Tuesday, June 21, 2011

WIP Oldschool Doc Marten Tattoo

Alan had a cancellation this evening and asked if I wanted to do the oldschool Doc Marten tattoo I designed for him last week.  I've been dying to get started on this so was more than happy to set up my workstation! 

Alan couldn't have been more helpful, he gave me a load of tips along the way and showed me a few different techniques.  I once again used the Micky Bee, this time choosing to use a 5 liner because of the size and number of lines in the design.  This was completely different to using a 7 liner, every tiny shake seems to be highlighted and at the start there was more than one.  Alan had a look at the way I was holding the machine and showed me a way to hold it so that I have my middle finger sat into the groove just above the needle tip, this then acted as a kind of guide so that the needle was always at a constant depth and also to steady the vibration of the machine, it also took a bit of weight off!  Paul showed me this technique before but it just didn't feel right, luckily enough after a few more lines on Alans leg it became a little easier!
Just over an hour after starting the linework I was finally finished and Alan had a look at what I did to his leg.  He gave me a few more pointers but overall seemed happy with the tattoo!

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