Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Polynesian Calf Design

I did a Polynesian calf design today which i'm absolutely chuffed with!  I had to put the template on twice as it was a bit crooked at first and also the lines were doubled up so I cut the template in half and applied them seperately.  For the outline I used a Mickey Bee with a 7 liner, and for the filling in I used a Glyn Flew colour packer with an 8 round shader and a Iron Workhorse with a standard 7 mag.  The ink went in nice and easy and Jay sat great, no moving around at all.  I used Kuro Sumi outlining ink and One ink for the filled area.  Paul came over just as I was starting and showed me a different way to hold the liner, I was holding it fairly straight up and he said that if I go in at a bit more of an angle I would have more control over the machine, have to admit it worked brilliant!  The tattoo took 2.5hrs to do altogether.

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